Chapter 26

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.It was Saturday morning and today was the day that Zayn and I would start planning our wedding. I got out of bed with a smile on my face. I was super excited and seeing my two favorite boys sound asleep together was like the cherry on top. Since I was the first one awake and seeing them asleep together was adorable, I decided I'd take a picture of them and put it as my lock screen. I snapped the picture and it was set. I checked the time and it was surprisingly early.

Since today all we were doing was setting a date and getting a few ideas, I thought I'd call my mother and tell her about everything. I grabbed the phone and on the second ring she picked up.

"Hello mom?"

"Hi sweetie. It's been a long time since we've talked. How are things between you and Zayn?"

"Oh things are great. We got engaged and we're starting to plan our wedding today."

"Oh honey congratulations!! I can't wait until the wedding you are going to look so beautiful."

"Thanks mom. Also do you think you, dad, and Greg can come down to talk about things?"

"Oh of course honey. How's Monday sound?"

"Oh sounds great mom. See you Monday."

"Ok bye honey."

"Bye." I said hanging up. I was about to walk into the bathroom when I heard a little voice say mommy. I turned around and saw Devon staring at my with those big grey eyes.

"Yes honey?"

"I'm hungry mommy." he said. I couldn't help but smile wide when he called me mommy. After two weeks of being with us he has finally called me mommy.

"Well what do you want to eat?" I ask looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Pancakes!! Chocolate chIp!!!!" he says jumping up and down.

"Ok, but first lets go brush your teeth.' I say picking him up. I put toothpaste on both our toothbrushes and wait for him to brush first. Once he's done I pick him up so he can spit in the sink and then I put him down. After both of us were finished brushing we went to the kitchen and Devon went to go watch Spongbob Squarepants it was his favorite show. Since that's pretty much all he watched. I started to make the pancakes and then I felt a pair of strong arms around me. Zayn had whispered 'Morning beautiful' in my ear. I turned around and pecked him on the lips.

"Morning cutie." I said

"Daddy!!! Mommy's making pancakes!!" Devon shouted when he had finally pulled his attention away from the T.V. Zayn had the biggest smile on his face from hearing Devon say daddy. Zayn walked over to the couch and started tickling him. It was adorable. I continued making the pancakes. In total I made seven pancakes. Two for Devon, three for Zayn, and two for me. We sat at the table all together and talked. Devon was quiet, he was to much into his pancake.

"So we're just setting a date today right?" I asked

"Um well that's the first thing we're doing. But I don't mind waiting for you to get a few ideas of the dress you want."

"Aww alright. Also I think we should a wedding planner."

"Um.... That might actually work. Since we have Devon we're going to busy."

"Alright well as long as we agree with that." I say getting up and grabbing both Zayn and I's plate and putting It in the sink. Since I didn't get to take a shower before breakfast right now was the perfect time. I took a quick shower and dressed in my favorite 'I love bad boys' shirt. With purple shorts and my favorite black Toms. I walked to the living room to see my favorite boys together. They were both dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Zayn was carrying Devon to the car while I locked the door. I sat in the back and adjusted Devon's bumper seat. Since Zayn couldn't marry at the Church we decided we'd have our wedding outdoors. We wanted to do it in a garden and were about to set a date.

When we finally got the place Devon was asleep. Although I don't know why he was tired he looked adorable. Either he was playing, watching T.V. or sleeping. He was a good little boy. I whispered his name in his ear and shook him awake gently. Once he was awake I carried him inside the place. I didn't catch the name because of excitement. The place was huge it had flowers and streamers all over. I was amazed at how nice this place was.

Since we didn't know that we had to set an appoitment for setting a date and getting a wedding planner, we were going to set a date. Luckily someone had cancelled last minute and we were able to see one of the wedding planners. We walked into a room all the way at the end of the hall. The room was small and dull.

"So when would you like this wedding to happen?" the wedding planner asked.

"Um.. Sometime during the spring." Zayn answered.

"Alright and whats the budget."

"Um... well around $30,000" I answered. She looked pleased with the answer and started typing away.

"Ok, so I can set up May 23. Is that ok with you?"

"Oh of course. That's perfect." I say enthusiastically.

"Ok great. Now you can choose wether you want another wedding planner or me as your wedding planner."

"Well you'd be fine as our wedding planner." Zayn answered. She nodded and handed us a bunch of papers. She told us to come back on Tuesday to start planning everything. We took the papers and headed out the door.

~At home~

Once we had gotten home Devon started complaining about how he wasn't feeling good. So I had checked his temperature and he had a high fever.

"Zayn!!! Come here!!" I yelled.

"Yea?!?!?" He asked running over to us.

"We have to take Devon to the hospital. He's got a high fever."

"Get in the car we're going now." He said.

"Alright." I said picking Devon up and putting him on his bumper seat. After the short ride to the hospital, I carried Devon inside and wrote his name on the waiting list.

After an hour wait the doctor finally called us in. The doctor took his temperature and it had only gotten higher. Devon didn't look too good either.

They decided they'd leave him here in the hospital to see what was going on with him. They said he might have a disease or something since they've had his records here before. Zayn and I stood in the room and slept there with him. Hopefully our little boy would be ok.

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