Chapter 39

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Zayn's POV:

After Terra left, I did what I felt was right and called Veronica. On the fourth ring she answered.


"Hey, it's me Zayn."

"Oh hi Zayn! How are you?"

"I'm good, um actually I was wondering, would you maybe like to go out tomorrow night?"

"Oh, um of course, just text me the details and I'll be ready."

"Alright, can't wait to see you tomorrow." I say hanging up. In a way it felt, like I was doing something wrong, but I knew it was the right thing. I had to start fresh, with someone else, because I knew Terra didn't feel exactly the same way she did before about me.

Terra's POV

The next morning I am sitting at Alec's table drinking his coffee. I called him last night, asking if he and I could fix things, since Zayn obviously wanted nothing to do with me. Thankfully Alec had given me another chance.

Tonight Alec and I were going out to some fancy restaurant and I couldn't wait, it would defiantly get my mind off of things.

"Morning sweetie." Alec says as he walks into the kitchen looking adorable.

"Morning." I reply with a smile. Alec's look had changed a bit. His hair was cut shorter and he had glasses which gave him such a cute look.

"So today I will be at work, but tonight I promise we will be going out." he says.

"Ok, that'll give me sometime to find something nice to wear."

"I'm sure whatever you wear, you will look lovely." he says. He kisses my cheek and heads out the door, on his way to work.

Since he would be at work, for almost the whole day, I was going to go shopping. I took a quick shower and walked into the guest room that Alec let me sleep in last night. I dressed in my red and blacked stripped shirt, black jeans, and my navy blue Toms. My hair still had the curls at the bottom so I left my hair down. I applied some light make up, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

When I arrive at the mall, I walk into my favortie store, Forever 21. I look through the dresses, but I don't really see anything that catches my eye, until I see a red dress. I grab the dress off of the rack and try it on. The dress fits perfect, it ends above the knee and it's a bit snug in all the right places. I change back into jeans and shirt and head out of the dressing room. I go through the store looking for accerioes and come across the cutest leather jacket and black heals with a bow on the front.

Once I am done shopping I head back to the house to get ready for my date with Alec.

Zayn's POV:

I dress up in black jeans, a blue shirt, and sneakers. I know Veronica likes when I dress casual. I told her I'd pick her up at seven-thirty and it was already seven-fifteen. Before I leave the house I fix my hair up a bit and grab my phone and wallet, and I'm out the door.

When I arrive outside of Veronica's house I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves. I get out of the car and knock on her door. When she opens she looks lovely. She is wearing a strapless light pink dress, that ends just above the knee, black heels, and her hair is left down, straight.

"Well, you look lovely." I say.

"Thank you." She says smiling and I see that cute little dimple.

"So are you ready to get going?"

"Yea, let me grab my bag and we can go." she says grabbing the most hidous bag that I've ever seen.

The drive to the resturant is awkwardly silent until she asks me a question that is hard to answer.

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