Chapter 27

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I was awaken by a soft little voice calling 'mommy'. I looked to Devon, who was sitting up. I got up and walked over to the bed and kneeled down.

"Yes baby?"

"Mommy, m-my head hurts." he said softly

"I know, it's because you have a fever. Do you want me to call a nurse?"


"Alright." I said getting off of the floor and walking out the room. I walked to the where a bored looking lady was typing away.

"Excuse me mam."

"Yes?" she said looking up from the screen.

"My son is complaining about how he has a headache, is there anything you can give him?"

"Well how old is, what room is he in and whats his name?"

"He's three, he's in room 245, and his name is Devon." I answered.

"Are you the couple that adopted him?"

"Yes we are."

"Ok well we have his record here. He's diabetic, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't had anything done over the past month?"

"Well, no we didn't know he was diabetic."

"Well just bring him to his doctor every week from now on. Also his doctor has just started their vacation and Devon will be getting a new doctor."

"Oh ok well is there anything you can give him for his headache?"

"No, he's just had some, let him sleep it off." she answered. I nodded and walked back to the room. Devon was asleep already and I kissed him on the forehead and went back to sleep next to Zayn.

~8:30 A.M.~

There was a knock on the door that woke Zayn, Devon, and I. The door opened and there stood his doctor. I was extremely tired, but I knew every feature on that doctor's face. I rubbed my eyes and clearly saw that my son's new doctor was Alec.

"Um.... Terra?"

"Yea. Hi." I said. As Alec was staring me down Zayn had put his arm around me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh um Devon wasn't feeling well." I answer.

"Devon is your what? Cousin? Nephew?"

"No my son. Well our son." I said looking at Zayn.

"Oh alright." he said walking over to Devon and checking his temperature. Devon's temperature had gone down a bit which was a relief. I saw Alec give Devon a shot, but I didn't think much about it. Maybe it was to help him get better, I wouldn't know.

*********ALEC'S POV**********

Once I had found out that Zayn and Terra had a child I knew I'd have to do the wrong thing. I'd have to make this kid worse. I know I could get arrested for this, but Terra was worth it. I gave Devon a shot that would hopefully make him get worse. I didn't want to kill the poor boy, but if it had to get to the point where that would get me to Terra, then it'd be perfect. Devon bit his little lip once I put the shot in, I guess he was feeling to sick to cry.

"Ok well hopefully he gets better with the shot I just gave him. I'll be back in a little while to check on him." I said walked out the room. Before I could close the door, I saw Terra kneeling in front of Devon running her fingers through his hair. It seemed as she really cared for this little boy, and I would love to raise him with her, but that would mean Zayn would have to be out of the picture. My whole plan was going to change now. Instead of slowly killing Devon, I'd do it to Zayn. If I could get away with homicide Terra and I wouid be perfect together. We'd have the perfect family. My plan would have to start right away. Soon she'd be crying at Zayn's funeral and in my arms.

You're Only MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora