Chapter 28

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Devon had been complaining all day that he was getting worse. I would keep calling Alec to come back and do something. It was finally night and Devon was asleep. It was around one in the morning when there was a knock on the door and Alec walked in.

"I just wanted to check on Devon, one last time." He said.

"Oh ok." I answered. Alec walked over to the bed and put his hand on Devon's hand. He kissed his forehead and walked back over to us. I had to admit it was pretty cute seeing that.

"So Zayn... Would you like coming to get a drink with me? Just hanging out." He asked

"Uh sure." Zayn said.

"Zayn can I talk to you?" I asked pulling his arm into the bathroom.

"What babe?"

"Why are you going to get a drink with him?!?!??"

"It's just one ok?"

"Ugh fine." I say. He kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

********Alec' Pov********

I had gotten Zayn to come and get a drink with me. I wasn't going to harm him just get I was going to try and get him arrested. We got to the bar and ordered our drinks. I had brung a heavy dose of sleeping pills with me. Zayn went to the bathroom and I crushed the pills quickly and threw them in his drink. Once all the pills were in his drink I threw the bag away.

Zayn had come and sat down. He started drinking and we had an an awkward silence.

"So where did you find Devon?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Terra and I were at the park and she found him alone crying. We took him to a cop and I told the cop if no one came call me and we'd take him. His mother came but she was an alcoholic. So they called and we adopted him."

"Oh that's nice. Well I'll just wait until your finished with your drink. I'll just go grab a beer."

"Alright." He answered. I walked over and ordered a can of beer. I walked back and Zayn was standing up. We walked to the car and I let Zayn drive. He was getting drowsy and was loosing his way. I was directing him to a highway where a bunch of police were. Soon Zayn had to pull over. He was fast asleep. I opened up the can and and poured some on my hand and rubbed it on Zayns neck and check. I quickly got out of the car and threw the can in the trees. I ran to the car and got in. I heard police sirens behind us. I quickly put hand sanitizer on.

The officer came on my side of the car. I rolled the window down and looked at him worriedly.

"Hello officer."

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing officer we just heading back to the hospital."

"Where from?"

"From the bar. He had a drink I tried to stop him."

"Is he asleep?"

"Yea. I can get him out of the car if you'd like."

"Yea just unlock the door." He says. I unlock the doors and he pulls Zayn out.

"He smells horrible. I have to take him in."

"Oh that's alright. I'll tell his fiancé to bail him out if she can."

"Alright then. Have a good night he says walking Zayn to his car and putting him in the back seat. I smiled and drove back to the hospital .

I walked into the room and woke Odalis up.

"What?" She asked

"Zayn got arrested. He drank to much. Can you bail him out?"

"What?!?!? Why didn't you stop him?!??"

"I tried but he wouldn't listen!"

"Ugh! I can't leave right now. Can you bail him out?"

"No I'm sorry I've got work."

"Ugh! Since he wanted to be stupid and drink he can spend the night there. I'll get him tomorrow."

"Alright." I answered. I walked out the room and smiled widely. My plan was working well. Make Terra start to hate him and slowly kill him or even better make him in pain by watching the girl he loves in love with me. I knew Terra was for me. Zayn was slowly getting out of the picture. Tomorrow is plan B.

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