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Was tagged by starbutterfly655, just answer these simple questions. 😊 (thank god the curse of the '13 tag' dispersed)

 😊 (thank god the curse of the '13 tag' dispersed)

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1- Do have any siblings?
yes, two annoying ones. An elder brother who has a knack for licking, biting, hitting, and irritating me for no particular reason. And a 4 year old sister who follows whatever he does. 😑

2- Do you like this tag?
I like anything as long as it's not the '13 tag', seriously that one gave me nightmares.

3- How many followers do you have?
Let's see, I follow about 500 people, I have about  200 less followers which makes it....


4.3 to be exact.

4- Who is your favorite teacher?
My bio teacher. She swag 😎

5- What is the most embarrassing moment that you have?
Boy I have many. One of them's when I recorded myself singing one of 5SOS' songs. And then I totally forgot about it and days later my sister was going through my iPad and played that video while me and my entire family were having lunch. (As much as you think your voice is horrible, mine is twice that. It's either croaky or squeaky. There's no in-between.) so yeah. I still have goosebumps while remembering that.

6- Have you watched The Witness by Luhan yet?
Nope. But I've seen You Got Me So Excited, (I think that's what it's called)

7- Do you have someone that you like?
I like everyone, and if I don't. I say it straight up, why? Because swaeg 😎

8- Which holiday do you like the best?
Winter holidays, right after they end is my Birthday 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.

9- Do you believe in Santa Clause?
To tell you the truth...................

I am Santa Clause.

10- Have you ever been confessed to?
Yes, multiple times. Half of them were fake cause the people who confessed have never even seen me.

11- Who is the most annoying person that you have ever met?
There's this girl in my class and yes that's all I'll say. If killing people was allowed in my religion, she'd be dead long ago.

12- What is one of the stories that you wrote on WATTPAD?
I thought you'd never ask. 'It's Not My Style' Exo Kris fanfic!!!!! Go check it out. GO 👆🏻!
*yes I just shamelessly promoted myself*

13- Would you rather have a Korean boy as your boyfriend or an American one?
Does not matter. It's the heart that chooses not the mind. (But yes I will gladly accept JHope, Jackson, DO, TOP)

 (But yes I will gladly accept JHope, Jackson, DO, TOP)

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1- What is your real name?
MinionBlehBleh......fine I'll tell you it's....


2- How old are you?
What's 9+10?

3- What is your hobby?

4- What is your favorite subject in school?

5- Do you like someone?
Refer to question 7, above.

6- What type of iPhone or iPad do you have?
I have iPad air and iPhone 6.

7- Do you have pets?
I used to have a cat 😀......used to....

8- Who is the first person that you followed?
My bff, the one and only bloomy_otaku I swear if I was a guy I would date her 😏. She so squishy

9- Do you have a best friend?
Yes, are you surprised?

10- Do you listen to Kpop?
You mean the Chinese people? Yes I do
(High five if you get it)

11- Do you have an annoying sibling?
Refer to the very first question at the very beginning.

12- Basketball or Football?
I suck at both so.....but I enjoy basketball. My inner spirit is literally whispering 'nobody cares'.

13- Favorite color?
Light pink and peach. And sometimes black. Red too, actually I don't really know. But I don't like orange and yellow.

That's all folks

I tag:-

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now