T W E N T Y - O N E

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I grab my heels and exit the crowd of people dancing. I needed to take a break, my feet were killing me.

I walk back to the table and sit down as I watch Ethan dance. He had a huge smile on his face as he jumped around with Grayson.

My phone begins to ring and I see that it's my dad. I get up and walk inside where only a few people are inside.

I answer the phone and the first thing I hear is my dad.

"So how's the date-I mean party going?" I already know my dad has a smile plastered across his face.

"I heard that, and it's going good. Everyone is dancing" I say as I look out of the window.

"Why aren't you dancing, preferably with Ethan?"

"Ethan and I already danced, Mrs. Dolan made us" I laugh as I look down.

"Malia, when are you two going to get together? I know I'm coming on too strong, but you two have a connection. Your face lights up whenever you see him, you haven't been like that ever sinc-"

"Ethan and I are just friends dad, that's all we'll ever be. He has a girlfriend, they're just taking a break"

I hear my dad sigh and I shake my head. Why was everyone telling me this?

"Hey dad, I-I gotta go."

Before he's able to say anything else, I quickly hang up and go back outside where Ethan is looking for me.

"Hey babygirl, where were you?" He asks as he tries to regain his breath from all the dancing.

I hold up my phone and he laughs.

"Does he not trust me?" He winks, this time it was my turn to laugh.

"I wouldn't. You and me are fuck buddies after all" His cheeks turn a slight pink shade and I laugh as I grab his arm and pull him outside.

"Come on, it's still early. Go dance" He shakes his head and I grab his hand and guide him to the candy buffet.

"Didn't you already get some candy?" He asks as I reach for a bag.

"Yeah, so?" He laughs and he grabs a bag.

"Damn, I think I want that sweet thing" A deep voice speaks behind me and I turn around startled.

I'm faced with a guy who is a few years older than me, blue eyes, dark hair, stubble on his chin, with a cheeky smile on his face. He was pretty attractive, but the way he talked to me pissed me off.

"I'd like to see that dress on the floor" he touches my hand and I pull it back as Ethan pulls me behind him.

"Who are you?" Ethan's voice was suddenly deep and loud, I placed my hand on his back as I try to hide behind him.

Fuck he was tense.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asks looking at Ethan. His eyebrows furrowed together and the smirk on his face disappeared.

"I'm Lisa and Sean's son, and this is my girlfriend, who the fuck do you think you are?" I move next to Ethan and his chest is rising up and down, as he tries to control his breathing.

He just called me his girlfriend, what the fuck?

"Ethan, stop. Don't make a scene right now" I warn as I begin to see a vein pop out on his neck.

"Shut the fuck up bitch, no one was talking to you." I look at the guy in shock and he's about to swing at him but Cameron and Grayson stand in front of him.

•Daddy Issues• Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now