T W E N T Y - T W O

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Grayson's POV

I brought in the last trash bag and closed the door to the backyard. No one was downstairs besides me, which is weird because Ethan should have been helping me clean up, but him and Malia went inside.

I turn off the lights and head up the stairs. I walk towards Ethan's room and see that both him and Malia are dead asleep on his bed.

She was cuddled up against him and his arms were around her as if he was protecting her.

I swear these two are confusing as hell. They act like they're dating and then turn themselves down. They make it more complicated than it needs to be. They've already fucked so many times, might as well just date.

Malia's POV

I've been staring at this dork sleep for the past couple of minutes because he won't wake up. He's normally a light sleeper, but today he just doesn't want to wake up.

"Ethan" I whisper into his ear and he cringes a bit, but he doesn't wake up.

The door opens and I turn to see Grayson in sweat pants.

"Gray, can you help me?" I try to push Ethan off, but his grip doesn't loosen up.

"I'll try but nothing is gonna help. I've tried it before" he walks over to me and tries pulling his arms off of me but Ethan's grip tightens and I groan.

"Ethan get the fuck off" I can feel his nails digging into my skin and I shriek causing to jump up in bed.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Ethan yells quickly getting up looking like he's about to attack.


I look at Grayson and we both share the same facial expressions. Ethan sits back down in bed as he covers his face.

"Malia, can I talk to Ethan for a minute?" I nod and exit the room as I head to the bathroom.

Grayson's POV

When Malia closes the door to Ethan's room I sit down next to him as he looks out the window.

"I don't want to talk about it Gray, so don't even ask" he gets up and leans his back against the wall as he crosses his arms.

"Ethan, come on. What's up with you? Is it because what happened last night to Malia and Cameron?" I understand if it is, I mean it's taking all of me not to go to Ashton's house and beating the shit out of him at the moment.

"Gray, I don't want to talk about it" He glares at me and I stand up frustrated.

"Stop being an asshole Ethan. I know your mad about what happened to them. Everyone is, but why are you hiding it?" I want to yell at him, but Malia is in the house and I don't want her hearing our conversation.

"Is it because of Malia?" He nods slowly and I sigh.

"You like her E"

"What? No I don't. The fuck makes you think that?" I swear I really wanted to bitch slap him, but I held myself back.

"Eth" I give him a look and he shakes his head.

"I don't like her, and I never will. We made a deal, no feelings, no relationship. Nothing. I was just protecting her last night."

"You knew that you two having sex would lead to this. Stop playing dumb Ethan, you like her."

I knew he did. So did everyone else, but he just wasn't going to admit it, I knew it. He's my twin brother for fucks sake, I know when he's hiding shit from me.

•Daddy Issues• Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now