Chapter Twenty

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Me in last chapter: Steamy chapter time

Me writing this chapter: To. tired. for. steam. 

Sorry to all my h0rny babies out there. *Shrugs* oh well!

Enjoy!! (Not edited)


"See? This isn't time for games. Bed" She was honestly frustrating me. Trying to care for me when she was sick... Idiot.

She plopped onto the bed with a small groan. I gave her a minute to sit up right then walked over to her, holding out my hand, "Give me the ice pack so I can bring it back down"

She watched me for a moment before her eyes dropped to my hand. She seemed to be deep in though but just when I was about to speak up she did something unexpected.

She grabbed my hand and tugged me down onto the bed. She moved out of the way so I didn't crash into her but the moment I was on the bed she pounced on top of me.

I looked up to her, confusion filling me. There still had to be some alcohol in her or something. She basically sat on me and before I realized what was going on, she shoved the ice pack onto my nose.

"What the hell are you-" I began but she pushed the ice pack down to cover my mouth soon.

"I'll keep you like this if you don't just keep it to your nose" Her voice trembled, trying to sound threatening. I watched her in amusement, this was how she 'cared' for people.

I stopped struggling underneath her and her eyes brightened. She thought she won.

I didn't like being on bottom.

That sounded sexual...

I didn't like being... intimidated. I don't know if that was the word I was looking for.  I just... it made me feel safer when I was in charge. As amusing as it was to watch her like this, I was tired of it.

A victorious smile began creeping onto her face but in a second I destroyed it. I grabbed her wrists and flipped us around so she was now on the bed, looking up while I was pinning her down.

"Oh really?"

She stared up at me in shock, "How the-" She seemed confused, looking around. A small crinkle appeared in her forehead, trying to focus on what happened.

"Please" Her cheeks were red from the struggle, "It'll be bruised if you don't"

I almost missed the words she said, transfixed by her eyes. She blinked, tilting her head slightly, "Seth?"

The moment she said my name I sat up and got off her. I bit my tongue, running a hand through my hair. "What?" I made my voice sound rough, to warn her.

"Sorry... Sir" My brow furrowed. Back to Sir? I turned to look at her and noticed she had pushed herself up slightly, supporting her frame with her elbows, "Is it okay if I have a nap?"

I went to nod my head but suddenly I was pushed to the side. She was gone.

She sped to the bathroom, running past me like the flash. Just at that moment my phone rang. I wanted to answer and cuss at the other person straight away, calling at the wrong time.

I pulled out the phone and answered it, "What?!" The word came out harsher than expected. 

"Hey" Xander said, "You sound aggravated"

I paused. Oh it was him. I glanced to where I heard Evie's ragged dry-retching. This was Milan's fault.

"Tell your little girlfriend that I'm going to kill her next-"

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