Two- Introductions

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| Wednesday 19 August 2015 |

Headquarters was located in the Seodaemun-gu province. The large building was very busy. People rushed all over from place to place. Many rushed for elevators, others busied themselves in paperwork at their desks. Some tended to civilians. Lily and I walked to the elevator.

"Your office and assigned research lab are both on the same floor for convenience," she explained to me as we entered the elevator. "All of your team members except for me and one other are on the eleventh floor as well. I won't be involved as frequently as the others, as you know being head of the entire department means I have many other priorities as well."

"Mm," I nodded. "And what floor are you on?" I looked at her. She looked very refreshed today. Her figure seemed a lot more relaxed and her mood was much lighter.

"I'm at the very top. Your other team member, Tamaki, is two floors below you. But, the team will be spending most of the time in the research lab."

The elevator door opened. The eleventh floor was very bright due to all of the windows along one wall. Office phones rang. The murmur of exchanging conversations were faint, officers walked out of elevators and into rooms. Others talked as they strolled along with one another, coffees in hand.

"We have quite the diversity here actually. Japanese, Chinese, we even have a detective from the Czech Republic." She looked at me. "Here, come this way I'll give you the tour."

We turned to the right, walking along the tiled pathway around the office dividers. "This is the board room." She opened a door and let me peek inside. A long wooden table stretched across the narrow room.


"Over here, we have a break and snack station." She led me over to a small offset area with a coffee station and kitchen cabinets with a microwave, small sink, and fridge. It even had a soda and ice cream machine.

"This is cozy," I smiled at her.

She smiled back. "Yes, everyone loves it." We turned and walked between a row of office dividers. I noticed people began to stare. Their eyes followed me with curiosity, others with awe. "This is your office." She walked up to a glass door which had bamboo shades over it.

"I have a little something for you before we go in." She looked to her bag rummaging through the large space. She pulled out a golden plate and opened the door slightly. She pulled the plate in two and stuck a piece on each side of the glass door. A magnet. She moved her hand away to reveal my name.

I laughed at her momentarily. "It's official now?"

"It's official." She held out her hand which held a key card with my photo ID on it. I took it as she opened the door fully and allowed me inside my new office.

The space was a perfect size. A large cherry wood desk sat near one corner of the room with the side of it against a wall that just overlooked the skyline of the city. Against the wall where the back of the desk faced were filing cabinets and shelving with small wooden drawer compartments for pens and notepads and other small office objects. Two leather chairs sat in front of my desk while a larger matching one sat on my side awaiting my presence. A sofa was lined against the wall below the skyline window. It was a warm brown color and the coffee table in front of it matched my desk and the wooden shelving against the other wall.

"Wow. I could literally sleep here," I joked with her.

She laughed slightly, before closing the door. "So, you like it then?" She pulled at the shades on the wall that had the door. The rest of the 11th floor was revealed.

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