Premium Epilogue Part 1- Safe Change

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| Friday June 21, 2019 |

My heart drummed in my chest loudly. This was really happening? Was I really going to go through with this? I couldn't help the fear that overwhelmed me. What was going to happen?

He cupped my cheek and looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" he spoke softly. His umber eyes held deep concern.

"I don't know." I tried to keep my voice from shaking.

Why was I so worried? Oliver went through with it. Everyone else went through with it. They all came back alive and well. But the "what if" was somehow defeating the facts I knew.

"Hey princess look." He held my face gently. "Look at me," he spoke feebly.

I tried to hold back the tears as I sat there on the edge of the bed looking down at him knelt in front of me. I was so nervous for this.


"It's okay," he comforted me. "You're going to be okay; I promise. I wouldn't hurt you. I love you." He smiled at me gently. "I promise you'll be safe, okay? Do you trust me?"

I nodded. I did. I trusted him with every bone in my body. But the "what if" factor was deterring me from this. But I had to do it. I wanted to live. I wanted to be able to stay strong and healthy and live a long life with Jin.

Was this going to be as excruciating as the last time I met his stitches? What was he going to do to me? How was he going to heal me?

He leaned up and pulled me into his arms. "It's okay. I promise nothing bad will happen. We've been doing this a long time," he spoke gently as he held me.


He kissed my head and trailed his lips down to mine. They moved tenderly. Slowly. His kisses comforted me and eased my anxiety a little.

"I promise I'll save you. You'll be okay. In three days you'll wake up and you'll be good as new. And then we can get married and you don't have to worry about dying on me. Alright?"

I told him I wanted to beat my cancer before we got married. I was sure with his support I could do it. And he had a little something more than support in mind. In all the commotion and shock of Jin's return, I'd forgotten he was capable of healing me. My mind was set on only getting away. But at the same time I believed I was also scared to accept the fact that I could be unnaturally healed. Like it was almost too good to be true.

"I'm going to be right here the entire time. You're gonna be safe, okay?"

I nodded into him.

"I'm gonna put you to sleep so you don't have to see this, okay?"

His words made me shiver. Was it a gory, bloody mess? What were they going to do? Was I going to die and then come back? How did this whole thing work? Did I really want to know?

"Okay." My voice was weak as I spoke.

"Alright." He got up. "Here lay down." He helped me into a laying position.

There was a gentle knock on the door and then Jae popped his head in. "Is she ready yet?"

"Almost. Just give me a minute." Jin looked back.

Jae looked at me and smiled. "Hey there, beautiful. How're you holding up? Are you okay?"

"I haven't fainted yet, if that's what you're asking."

He cracked a small smile. "You'll be okay. We're gonna take care of you."

"Alright, princess. Are you ready?" Jin looked at me as he sat beside me where I laid down.

I nodded.

"Okay. Close your eyes." He brushed a strand of hair away from my eyes.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

(Jin's POV)

"Is she asleep?" Jae asked quietly.

I nodded to him. "Get Yoongi, we're ready to begin," I spoke as I began to undo my shirt.

He nodded and disappeared to go fetch Yoongi. I looked down at her as she laid in peaceful slumber. She was beautiful. She was a goddess. And now she was mine. Soon we'd be bound together by blood. Soon this weak and frail woman would be fearless once again.

I placed my shirt on the nightstand beside the bed and began to undo hers next. It felt odd exposing her like this to the others now, but it was all for a good cause.

I opened her shirt to expose her chest and Jae returned with Yoongi. I took the knife from the bedside table and made the usual cut into my arm. My blood gathered slightly at the surface before solidifying into a dark and elastic stitch. I pulled at the stitch until I had produced one long enough to seal Prane's wound once we were done. I handed it to Jae, who would be working on her while Yoongi worked on me.

"Okay, boss," Yoongi smirked. "You ready to do this?"

I nodded and signaled for Jae to make his incision. He did so and quickly worked to cut the circulation from her main arteries. Jae hadn't practiced much with us during the whole involvement with the police but I trusted he knew what he was doing. Blood welled up in her wound like a puddle gathering rain water. It was dark red and thick and smelled like sickness. The smell of cancer wreaked. It was such a sad smell.

I felt guilty having to hurt her like this but it was the only way. It was the safest way. By the time she wakes the wounds will be gone, but I still felt restraining her like this, killing her like this was hurting her. After the stitch had tightened itself tightly around her major veins, Jae reached his hand in and clenched to her heart.

Yoongi made the incision quickly as I sat there in silence. The pain was nothing at this point. It was like a small pinch. He reached into my chest and with a slight tug, he pulled my heart free causing a wave of nausea and fatigue to consume me. My vision blurred and spotted with black dots. The exchange was quick and simple as always and within seconds a new heart was beating in my chest as was hers. Except now she had the healthy heart. The heart that would push immortal blood through her veins. The blood that would attack her sickness and give her a new life. The heart that would save her.

Her original heart was still pretty strong but I could feel the sickness in the blood of it. It made my body ache with the desire to destroy the harmful substance in it. My chest sealed up enclosing her sick heart inside me and the immortal blood already running through my veins cleansed the human blood that was now running through my new heart. Jae removed the restraining stitch from her arteries once the blood from my heart had bonded the organ with her veins and with the same stitch, he closed her incision and wiped away the blood from her skin.

"Good job. That was quick and clean," I complimented him.

He looked at me and smiled. "Kamsahamnida."

"Well I need sleep now," I sighed out with exhaustion. "My body does not like the looks of its new organ so I should probably sleep on it to help it heal," I explained. I looked to Yoongi. "Thank you, Yoongi."

"Anytime." He patted my shoulder.

"Sleep tight." Jae smiled as he stood up.

They both left me, closing the door after them. I looked down to her limp body where she laid in serenity. She looked so gorgeous when she was asleep. It brought out the innocence and softness of her existence.

I moved up to lay beside her in the bed and took her cool hand into mine. Soon she'd be looking at me with new eyes. With beautiful emeralds that were bright with new life instead of a dwindling sickness. I closed my eyes and relaxed at the comforting knowledge of her being safe. And not long after, I fell asleep beside her.

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