Four- Farouk

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| Thursday August 20 - Friday August 21, 2015 |

"Move your arm to the left. Make sure the suction is all the way up. We want as much of that dust as possible," I spoke to Lily and Kim through the microphone connected to the cameras in the morgue.

Overall it was a pretty calm day. The team did more research but we still hadn't gotten anywhere. Lily decided to stay tonight after I showed her the recording of the live feed from yesterday.

"How much do you think we'll need?" Ki-Min looked to me from where he sat beside me.

"As much as we can get. All of it preferably. Just in case."

"Hmm. This entire time we're here, we've all sat down in that morgue and tried to catch those bodies or find something." He leaned his head in his palm. "And we've been failing. Then you spend one day here and you find everything. You're a godsend. I'm starting to think you sold your soul to the devil for the talents you have."

We laughed. Farouk did as well.

"No, not devil. I sold my soul to my work is what I did," I smiled at him.

"Well tell me where I sign up 'cause I'll do it too," he chuckled. His short dark hair looked soft. His eyes drooped tiredly.

I looked back to the screen. Lily and Kim waved their arms around with the small vacuums above their individual slabs. Both bodies had disappeared tonight.

"So what tests are we going to ru-"

Something in the very corner of the morgue caught my attention. It caught Ki-Min's too.

"What is that?" I almost whispered my own question.

A cloud of the reddish gold dust swarmed in the corner. It moved about in a mob frantically. It almost made out the figure of some sort of creature.

"Well well," Farouk laughed. "So you're what's causing this whole problem." The grin on his face was wide. His sharp teeth glistened and his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

It was itching at me that I couldn't ask him now. I needed to know.

"It's moving," Ki-Min spoke.

The swarm of dust began to sweep torpidly across the floor toward Lily. Another swarm suddenly appeared. It sat still for a moment before making its way to Kim.

"It's going straight for them."

The swarms suddenly shifted into the shape of humans.

"They're gonna attack!"

I jumped up from my seat and ran for the door. "Tell them to get out of there now," was the last thing I said to Ki-Min before running for the elevator. It opened immediately for me and I stepped in pressing the button to the basement.

"Things are becoming very interesting," Farouk sang.

"What are those swarms?" I looked at him.

"I can't tell you that."

"Are they demons?" I questioned him.

"No. But I can tell you they want their dust back."

"These are supernatural beings doing this?"

"Not entirely. But you're on the right track, Low."

The elevator opened with a ding. I ran for the C wing. My heels clattered on the hard floor loudly. My heart raced. What if these things hurt someone? How was I supposed to stop them? I couldn't send Farouk after them in front of everyone. I rushed through the doors to see Lily and Kim hovering over something in the corner.

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