Ten- Acceptance

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| Thursday October 1, 2015 |

It had been three weeks since I'd received the letter from the criminals. The bird came back to my window every night to carry an answer back to his master. Each time I sent him away with nothing. I didn't tell anyone else about the letter. It was my secret at this moment. I was alone against the criminals right now. Only I definitely knew about Areum being the next victim.

I'd let her go home after another day of interviewing. I hadn't gotten any good answers that would lead me in a good direction. I was still stuck. We were all still stuck.

The bodies continued to show up. Six more bodies. All of which still continued to disappear.

Today was Thursday but I had taken the day off along with Jae who was coming by to take me out for the day. He wanted to go on a not so busy day and also to catch weekly sales so we both took today and decided to work Saturday. He wanted to show me around a bit more and take me to the mall. He claimed to have some shopping to do for new clothes and wanted me to be the judge of his outfits.

"Today should be a good day." I looked to Farouk who sat on the floor Indian style eating his last bit of pie from the pie tin.

"Today is going to be an interesting day in more ways than one," he smiled.

There was a knock at the door. I'd switched to my fourth hotel last week and was now at the Courtyard Seoul Time Square in Yeongdeungpo-gu. The rooms were very beautiful and comfortable. The color scheme was stylish with dark rich purples and light greens that made the suite romantic, but also not too busy.

I walked to the door and opened it and saw Jae leaning against the door frame. He wore white pants today with a dark black belt to hold them snug to his waistline and a nice dark green t-shirt that hugged his body bringing out the muscular shape of him.

"Well don't you look nice," I laughed at him.

"Only for you, my friend," he smiled. "Are you ready?" He handed me a cup of coffee which he held onto in one hand.

I nodded. "Just let me grab my purse." I walked back to the bedroom and grabbed it off the end of my bed. Farouk had finished the pie and cleaned his face up before tailing along behind us.

"So where are we going shopping today?"

"The Insadong District. They've got the best stores," Jae explained before taking a sip of his coffee.


When we got off the subway and into the streets once again, the first thing I smelled was food. There were restaurants everywhere. People as well. The streets and sidewalks were scattered with people.

The buildings weren't skyscrapers here. They were much shorter. Some of the buildings had plants growing up the side of them. It made the neighborhood look very friendly and soothing.

"The mall's this way," Jae walked to his right and I followed. "You're one for expensive clothing; you'll go wild in here." He turned his head and smiled at me.

I laughed at him. "Well you just do you and I'll worry about me. If I see anything nice maybe we can get matching outfits," I joked with him.

"Oh you bet we will."

We entered the mall and Jae wrapped his arm around mine. The place was busy with people of all ages. The first store we walked into was busy with many people. It wasn't fully a clothes store. There were a few children in here looking at toys and other meaningless things.

"Sorry we're making a small detour. This store has a great bakery in the back. I'm addicted to their fresh fudge."

Farouk made a noise behind me. "Buy me one for later. I love fudge," he spoke to me with excitement.

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