Forty Six- Stay

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I ran from everyone. I ran for my car. I had to get out of here. I had to leave. I couldn't take this. I couldn't handle facing the man I'd eventually have to say goodbye to with my last dying breath. I didn't want to leave him. Why did he have to be real? Why did this all have to happen?

I had to go. It was time to go.

(Jin's POV)

Her lips were precious as always and tasted of peach and champagne. Seeing her so swooned by my presence was heartwarming.

She was stunning in the red gown she wore. Her hair smelled sweet and fruity while the rest of her smelled like fresh lavender.

I missed her so much. Three years was too long to keep this beautiful woman waiting, but I hope I wasn't too late.

I pulled away from her to bend down.

"I can't do this," she blurted out.

I looked up at her surprised. "What?"

She turned and ran for the vine entrance. I stared at her, taken aback for a moment before I sprinted after her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to look at me. The tears welled even more in her rich emerald eyes now. "What's wrong?"

"I-I can't do this. I can't get attached to you all over again. I can't lose you all over again," she sobbed. She turned away and ripped her hand from mine.

"Wait!" I shouted after her. She can't leave. Why was she running? I wasn't going to hurt her again. I wasn't going to leave. "What does that mean?!"

I chased after her. The others followed behind me. Don't tell me I was going to lose her. I couldn't. Why was she running from me? Had I hurt her that bad? Did she want nothing to do with me now? Was there someone else? This was all my fault, wasn't it? I was too late.

Damn she was fast. I ran out into the open space where tables and decorations were set up and people danced in the center. My eyes jotted across their figures searching. Where did she go? How did she disappear so fast?

"Find her," I told the others. "She couldn't have gotten far."

Several eyes fell on us and some were utterly shocked. Like they were seeing ghosts. But of course it seemed so after everything that had happened.

Jae's eyes fell on me and he smiled and came to greet me. I rushed up to him.

"So did you do it?" he asked.

"No, actually." I looked up searching once again. "Have you seen Prane?"

He looked at me perplexed. "I thought she was with you. Someone told me she went off into the garden."

"She was," I explained as I continued to look for her. Where was she? Did she leave? "But she ran from me. Do you know what's wrong?" I looked back down to him. My heart pounded in my chest desperately.

And then it was like a sense of realization fell over him. "I know where she is," he spoke. "Meet me by my car, I have to go let Miki know I'm leaving."

I nodded and rushed to his car. Where was she? Where was she heading? Was she hiding from me? I heard commotion from the ceremony where Jae was arguing with someone before he rushed over in my direction screaming, "This is important!"

"I'll drive, just tell me where I'm going." I held my hand out for the keys. He tossed them to me and we both got into his car.

"We're going to her house first," he spoke.

"Do you think she's there?" I asked as I backed out of the parking lot.

"I'm hoping so."

"What's wrong with her, Jae? Why would she run from me? Does she hate me?"

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