Eleven- Gone Out With A Bang

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| Saturday October 3, 2015 |

I sat at my desk now. I had a bad start to my Saturday morning. I had woken up at three and couldn't sleep since. I once again dreamt of Jin. I had been experiencing nightmares about him ever since Thursday night.

Why was my mind tormenting me like this? I couldn't even get the peace I needed while I slept now.

I sighed as I scrolled through the browser on my computer.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I looked up exhaustedly.

Jae walked in with a smile on his face. Was he really so clueless to everything? What would happen when he did find out about his friends? I'd be bringing them in eventually. He would be heartbroken.

"Annyeonghaseyo." He smiled brightly. He was wearing the indigo and black dress shirt I had picked out for him the other day.

"Annyeong," I spoke tiredly trying to smile.

He frowned at me and walked over. "Are you alright? You look like crap."

I laughed at him and wiped my hand over my face. "Great way to compliment your boss."

He looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that-"

"I know," I smiled at him. "Sorry, I'm just exhausted. Didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh." He sat down on the other side of my desk. "Do you want me to get you some coffee?"

"No, I'm fine." I looked at him.

His eyes were filled with slight concern. He looked quite fidgety as well, like he was urging to tell me something but he didn't know how.

"Is there something you wanted to say?"

He looked at me for a moment. "It's probably not a good idea since you're not feeling well."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Go ahead; spill it."

"Well, I was figuring we could be a little rebellious and get out of work early for the annual firework festival. Since you're not gonna be here forever, I figured you could see the once in a lifetime spectacular," he explained.

I thought about it a moment. "That actually sounds like a good idea." I looked at him with a smile. Doing something fun would take my mind off things for a bit and give me a chance to relax. "What time were you thinking of getting out of work?"

"Well, things start to get busy pretty quickly. The fireworks usually go off right on the river so the best spots are along the shore or close to it. So I'd say 2:00 p.m."

"Okay. Sounds like a plan. Tell the rest of the team if they would like to see the firework festival too, the let out hour is 2:00."

He smiled at me. "Okay. Will do." He stood to his feet and walked to the door. "Oh and Prane," he looked back.


"You sure you don't want a coffee?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you though."

Jae left me in silence and my eyes went back to my computer.

There was yet another knock on my door.

"Yea?" I called.

Sojiro walked in with Taesong.

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

"We just got the final results back from the last stitch manufacturing company."

I leaned up in my seat. "And? Did they say it was a match?" Please give me some good news. Please have something.

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