Eight- Friends With Secrets

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| Tuesday August 25, 2015 |

The next day was just as busy, processing and investigating Kim-Hyeon's apartment and collecting samples. We'd done our best to collect some dust and it was now undergoing testing for unique characteristics.

I was now on my way over to Jae's in the Gwangjin-gu province. Farouk wandered on his way behind me. I was going to see Jae to look over some information and layout new plans with him. We were still waiting on a return phone call from my source in the U.S. on the mythology lead, but there are some new ideas I had to share with him.

I took the elevator up to his apartment on the tenth floor. From our evidence it was obvious another person was involved in this. The handwriting doesn't match any of Kim-Hyeon's personal writings and when we looked back into his latest blood samples, nothing was peculiar about it.

The possibility that he had nothing to do with this at all could very much be the case. Kim-Hyeon could've been a complete set up. A warning from the real criminals. Dangerous game. The snake. The snake symbolizes more than toxins. Danger. Evil. Lucifer. Death.

If he was set up, then their message came through very clearly. They know who's on the team. Which means they're watching more than just me. Which also leads to the great possibility that there must be several involved. They're going to start taking. We're all going to begin suffering consequences if we keep this up. But I'll do whatever it takes. And the rest of the team was very well prepared for the risks going up against these very intelligent murderers. But evidently the idea of the team members still being involved is open. They very well know each other and one another's whereabouts.

As I walked down the hallway there was a woman who was leaving her apartment with a small toddler by her side. We smiled friendly at one another as we passed each other by and went on our way.

For safety reasons I'm beginning surveillance searches of each member. If there are common people that surround us each day, it could narrow down the group of people who are watching us.

I continued up to Jae's door and rang his bell. After a moment he came to the door.

"Hey," I smiled at him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked me, smiling curiously.

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. He was dressed nicely tonight. Was he going somewhere?

"I sent you a message telling you I wanted to come over to talk to you about some information. You replied; you said okay."

I looked at him more closely. "Are you drunk?"

He looked at me perplexed. "I never got a message. And no I'm not drunk."

I pulled out my phone to check and found that I had texted Rin mistakenly instead of Jae.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry," I shook my head at myself. "I texted Rin by accident. I'm apologize to interrupt you, you look busy. Maybe to-"

"No, no, it's fine," he smiled as he reached out to grab my wrist. "Come on in. There's some other friends of mine I want you to meet anyway." He pulled me gently into his apartment.

"O-Okay," I spoke looking at him as he closed the door behind me.

"Here this way." He placed an arm over my shoulders and directed me through his apartment. "Now what did you want to talk to me about?"

I looked up at him. It was only now that I realized how much taller he was than me. I had small heels on but his height was still greater than mine by a few inches.

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