Thirty Eight- Alive and Well

44 3 18

| Friday January 15 - Monday January 18, 2016 |

I went to visit my brother over the weekend to make sure he was really okay. I arrived early in the morning and was now being driven to his house. They didn't live far out of the city. Maybe a half hour from it.

Once I arrived at the house I was greeted by Vivian. She was a tall, blonde, beautiful woman with a warm smile and a big heart. She looked a lot healthier after losing so much weight since college. She wasn't too skinny or too thick. Her size suited her well now.

She hugged me as I walked up to her. "Hey, Viv." I smiled and hugged her back.

"Welcome, come on inside. He's going to be so excited when he gets home." She gave me a cheery grin.

I followed her inside and we sat down in the sun room.

"Would you like anything to drink? Coffee, water, juice?" she asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Alrighty. Just ask if you'd like anything."

"Okay. So how is he?" I asked as I crossed my leg over the other.

"He's better. He won't tell me what happened out there though." She frowned. "But I suppose that's because it's more your secret than it is his." She looked at me.


"I should ask how are you? You don't look too well. Are you sick?" Her big eyes were filled with concern.

"I'm fine. It's just stress," I sighed.

"You look worse than what stress could ever do, honey. Your brother's gonna be worried about you. Maybe you ought to see a doctor."

"I'm fine, really," I tried to convince her.

I wasn't that bad. I just looked tired. Exhausted. I felt that way as well. And my stomach was in pain from the stress, but I could cope with it.

"Prane." I looked up at the sound of his voice.

Oliver stood in the doorway still in his S.W.A.T. uniform. The smile on his face alone made him look a million times healthier. He looked so much better now. He looked alive. Like he would be alive tomorrow and next month. Alive for a very long time.

I stood up and rushed to him. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly and he did the same.

I felt the tears of joy fill my eyes. I was so relieved to see him alive and in one piece. To see him smile again. "I'm so glad you're okay," I spoke quietly to him.

"I'll always be okay," he reassured me.

"Well I should get dinner going then." Vivian walked away to the kitchen.

Oliver came and sat beside me now. He looked at me and smiled warmly.

"I can't believe you're okay." I couldn't hold the tears.

He wiped them away. "I'm glad you're okay. You seem better than you were on the phone."

"Yea," I smiled at him. "I am better." I looked at him now through my tears. "How did he even find you? Why did you go to him? Why'd you trust him?"

"He just called me one day out of the blue and told me who he was and in what relations he had to you. I remember you talking about him. And then when he told me he could heal me, I had to take my chances to at least try," he explained.

"So what did he do to you? How did he do it?"

"I don't know exactly. I was unconscious before I knew what was going on. And then I woke up and I didn't feel sick anymore. And it was three days later. And I felt brand new, Prane. It was amazing. It is amazing. There are so many things that are so different now. I can see and hear better. I react to things faster. I'm much stronger. And the craziest part is that I can't get hurt," he smiled. "I mean, I can. But it heals up almost automatically. It's like they're some crazy mad scientists that made a Captain America out of me."

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