Six- The Dangerous Game

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| Monday August 24, 2015 |


I groaned at Farouk.

"Prane, it's six thirty. Time to get up. This hotel is further from headquarters. It's gonna take longer to get there."

"Mmm but this bed is so much more comfortable than the other one." I buried my head under the pillow.

I felt his weight on the other side of the bed. The warmth of the pillow was gone as he lifted it from my head. I opened one eye and peaked over at him.

"I really hate you sometimes," I sighed.

He smiled at me. "I know."

I stretched out before turning onto my back and sitting up. The room was very comfortable and bright. The furniture and accents were an arrangement of different bold colors that lightened up the room and made it look very modern. The suite came with a living room and dining area that matched the colors of the room throughout.

The hotel was in the Gangnam-gu province, a bit further from HQ. But I didn't mind and neither did my chauffeur. He apparently lives more in this direction so the route is a bit easier for him. I'll have to try and stay in hotels closer to this area for the sake of being considerate to him.

I looked up to Farouk tiredly. "Wanna go turn the shower on for me?"

He lifted himself off the bed and made his way into the bathroom off of the bedroom. The sound of running water came not long after. He walked back out and looked at me as I stood up from the bed and opened my suitcase to pick out a work suit for the day.

"Would you mind brewing me a fresh cup of coffee too please?" I looked at him.

He laughed. "When did I become your slave?" His voice wasn't angry or resentful. Just warmhearted.

"Please?" I begged him.

He just walked away to the other room with a smile on his face.

I pulled out a set of undergarments, a red pencil skirt and jacket, and a black button up shirt for the day and made my way to the bathroom. The hot water was soothing and refreshing. It definitely woke my body up.

"Your coffee is ready when you're done," Farouk spoke from the doorway.

"Okay, thank you," I spoke as I rinsed conditioner from my hair.

I felt his eyes on me. It didn't bother me though. It never did. He never did. To him it was like staring at any other animal. Just another living body. That was the thing about him. I could ask him how he felt and he could never lie. No matter what I asked him. But he was good at withholding information.

He left the bathroom a moment after.

After my shower I got dressed and did my usual morning preparations before meeting Farouk in the bedroom where he laid across the window seat. My coffee steamed on the desk beside him.

He looked over to me with his arms resting behind his head. "Feel better?"

"Yea." I walked to the dresser and grabbed my satchel.

Farouk laughed mischievously. "You have company."

I looked up to him as he stared out the window. A moment later a Falcon perched up on the window sill. He flapped his wings and chirped for entrance.

"Where did he come from? Are Falcons even common in Seoul?" I walked over to the window and looked at him as he stared back at me.

"Actually Falcons are native to just about every continent. He brought you a present."

Don't Play With Dolls (BTS and VIXX)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang