Thirty Five- Taken

51 3 15

| Saturday January 9 - Sunday January 10, 2016 |

My watery eyes wandered across the computer screen searching airport recordings from several days before. I'd been sitting here an hour already searching through the surveillance. I had to find him. I had to know for sure.

No one had come up to the office, which was more a good thing than a bad. I was a disaster. A sick, crying disaster.

I wish this was all a dream. I wish this would all be just my imagination. A figment. Please don't be true. Let me be asleep. Let this haunting dream just end already please.

Then he caught my eye. He was there. Getting off the breezeway with a duffle bag slung around his shoulder. And there was Jin, Jungkook and V. They appeared from the corner of the camera and approached him with a smile.

They greeted one another. All shaking hands to make proper introductions.

My body ached. Everything ached. My head and heart pounded together. They beat in a synchronized rhythm. Only making the throbbing more painful.

Why did he come? Why would he trust a stranger without even consulting me about it? I warned him. I told him no. So why had he come?

I watched as they walked off and I followed them, switching cameras to keep them in sight.

Oliver looked different somehow though. He was pale. He looked sick. But why? The doctors said he was fine.

I dialed Vivian while I watched them leave the airport.


"Viv, I have a question."


"How is Oliver's condition?"

She hesitated before answering. "He didn't want me to tell you because he was convinced he would survive. But the doctors said he's getting worse and that he might die." Her voice was quiet and weak.

"But why? They said he was fine. What happened?" My heart couldn't take this anxiety. My body couldn't handle it. My brother. The most important person to me. My complete half. Why were the odds against me?

"They don't know. They said the wound wasn't healing."


And then I hung up. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to speak. I didn't want to breathe. I couldn't breathe. The world stopped. No. My world stopped. I was going to lose him. After everything.

After they walked out the door, the cameras couldn't pick them up anymore.

This has to end. No more people can get hurt. We have to stop them. I have to stop Jin. Even if I have to do it alone.

I stood and took the journal. I copied a few of the next pages with the unhighlighted victims in the printer. After that I locked the journal back in my drawer.

I cleaned myself up and downed a cold bottle of water before leaving my office. I still felt sick but I couldn't let my physical condition stop me. Especially with my brother on the line now. Especially with all of these lives on the line.

I brought the copies to Jae.

"Hey, what's up?" he spoke as he stepped out of the interrogation room with Ken.

"I need you to find these people. We need to make sure they're alive and protected. We're going to stop Jin. I've had enough of this nonsense."

He looked down at the papers. He didn't ask any questions. "Okay. I'll get right on it."

"Thank you."

"Hey, and are you alright? You look like you need rest. Maybe you should sleep for a few hours." He looked at me concerned.

"I'm fine. I'll be alright."

He looked at me sympathetically. "Okay. Well take it easy, alright?"

"I will."

I headed back to see Hongbin. Yoo Joon sat in the room talking to him now. I walked in and they both looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Yoo Joon looked at me.

"I'm fine." Then I looked to Hongbin. "But if you don't start talking, you, on the other hand, might not be."

He chuckled softly. "Is that a threat there, Tiger?"

"Should I leave you two alone or are we going to have to be cautious of you strangling him?" Yoo Joon looked at me.

"We'll be alright. The law can do more to him than I," I responded.

Yoo Joon nodded before getting up and leaving.

I sat down and glared at Hongbin. He stared at me with an amused grin. This was really a game to him wasn't it? A sick and twisted game. He really didn't care, did he? The absolute fact that he had taken my brother, the most precious person on earth to me, didn't matter to him. It didn't matter to any of them.

"How?" was all that could escape my mouth.

"How what?" he smirked.

"How did you learn about him? How did you find him?"

"Well, it wasn't like an impossible mystery. You make things easier for us than you think, 'princess'," he articulated. He taunted me with his words.

"Why did you take him? Leave him out of this," I growled.

My hands clenched to fists now. I wanted so badly to hurt him. To hurt them all. I felt like a vicious animal being contained in a cage just waiting to escape for my prey.

"It's too late on that princess." He leaned back.

My body felt heavy. My head felt light. Everything was falling apart. All of it. Too late. What was too late? Was he already dead? What did they do to him? Why was he doing this? Was he getting back? After playing with my heart, now he has to crush it? I just wanted to crumple to nothing and never have existed.

If I never existed Oliver wouldn't have been dragged into this. He'd be safe. Maybe he wouldn't be hurt. Maybe he would've never followed me into such a dangerous field of work. He'd be okay.

"Why? Why did you take him?"

"You should know that answer already. Unless you just really don't pay attention to your own brother."

"Don't!" I shouted. "Don't think you know me and my family. Don't think you're safe. Almighty and powerful. I will crush you to dust if he gets hurt." I glared at him.

He was silent a long time. "It kills you, doesn't it?" His eyes almost softened now. "To have that special someone ripped away." He leaned in. "But that happened twice for you, didn't it?"

I felt my blood boil. I shot out of my seat. I slammed my fist down into the metal table with fury and it bent beneath me. "Where is he?!"

I was going to faint from all of this overwhelming anger. From all of this fear. It was hard to breathe. It was hard to think. To stand. To do anything.

Was Oliver scared right now? Was he okay? What were they doing to him?

Hongbin stared at me in surprise for a brief second before his surprise turned to amusement. "You should already know that answer." He smirked at me.

I looked at him confused. I did? Was this some sort of joke? Where? Where was he? I couldn't keep my head straight. I couldn't think about it.

Hongbin dipped his finger into his coffee and traced something onto a dark piece of paper. Once he was done I lifted it and stared at the stained paper. The symbol. It was that symbol from the subway and from that body. That same symbol that was buried deep in my memory. But where had I first seen it.

Something told me it was back at my hotel. Something I had. Something I continued to pass by without giving it any attention.

I dropped the paper on the table and I was out the door.

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