Thirty- Can't Get Too Close

65 3 24

| Sunday December 13, 2015 |

I arrived back in Korea early this morning. It was Sunday today and I was now bringing the last of my luggage up to my new hotel suite in Oakwood Premier Coex Center. I had stayed with Oliver and Vivian the entire week helping out around the house and whatnot. I also gave them three thousand for food and gas and other small things to help out while Oli was recovering. For the most part he was better, but the doctors said they'd have to keep a close eye on him. He'd still be slightly sick for a little while.

It was a relief getting to spend a week with him and just take my mind off of everything here in Korea.

Farouk helped me unpack everything into the right places before we both rested onto the new sofa. I had done some online house hunting while I was with Oli and Viv. We had found some nice apartments and even some nice little homes just beyond the city. They both had great tastes for things like that. I wasn't into it that much but those two could design an entire house just for fun.

I dialed Jae now as I sat on the sofa. I had called him when I got to New York as I said I would. And I dialed him now to let him know I was back.

"Annyeong," he answered.

"Annyeong. I'm back."

"You are? How was your trip?" he asked.

"It was good. My brother gave us a scare but he's fine," I explained.

"Good, I'm glad you're okay." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Thanks. Well, I just wanted to let you know I was back. I got your email too on what's been going on with the case. I haven't had time to open it yet but I'm just sitting down now for the first time today so I'll look it over soon."

"Alright. Nothing big has really happened. It's the same old stuff. But we have come up with a few new theories on the stitch so you'll find those in the email too."

"Okay. Thanks so much Jae. You're really a big help," I spoke to him.

"No problem. I'll see you at work tomorrow," he spoke.

"Yea, see you later. Bye."


After I got off the phone, I rang Jin as I opened my laptop.


"Hey," I spoke into the phone as I typed in my computer password.

"Hey. Are you back yet?" he asked.

I'd texted him a bit during the week just to keep him updated and to let him know I was alive. I don't know why, but I did. I didn't tell him where I was or give him any information about Oliver though. Just about my condition.

"Yea I got back this morning. I would've called sooner but I was busy switching hotels."

"It's alright. So then we're on for tonight?" he spoke. It was more a statement than a question, but he still awaited my answer.

"Yea. What time?"

"I can come around ten."

"Okay. That's fine by me. I'll see you at ten then."

"Okay. I'll see you later."

I hung up the phone and placed it down beside me as I opened my emails.

I looked over the several emails I had from the week and opened Jae's finally.


I sat at my desk in my hotel room waiting. I tried connecting the theories to what Jin had said but still none of them made sense. I also tried to consider what Oliver had said. But how could I see this in any way that was possibly good? The stitch healed me. But how did it help the victims? It didn't. Did Jin find the victims when they were already dead? Was he trying to heal them? Was he taking the blame for someone else he was trying to hunt down himself? It didn't make sense.

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