Thirty Two- Connected Dots

34 3 6

| Tuesday January 5, 2016 |

I entered the lab with a handful of folders. Everyone sat silently at their computers, each searching their own medical facilities for patient names.

I had time to myself all morning to sort out the clues Jin had given me. And now that we'd discovered the missing piece, and I got clue number ten, everything fell into place perfectly. Almost everything.

Starting with clue number two, this ongoing 'murder' frenzy has happened before... The first criminal, Jung Ssamja, was noted to be a doctor during the Korean War. He targeted the sick. He cut them open and did whatever it was he had done to them. The X was his signature. But his signature dates back.

He's connected to the Anges du Vaudou. They all are. The Anges du Vaudou were 'surgical masters,' which means they must've attempted the same procedure. They did live in Canada. People were probably often sick. And if they were immortal like Jin, it wasn't them getting sick. It was the settlers coming over. They were probably attempting to find a way to heal the settlers who became ill. And they probably thought the answer lied with the heart. Why they sewed their eyes shut, I don't know. But the X must've just become significant that way. If they were like Jin, their eyes could've very well had X's also. Which also leads to why they were accused of witchcraft. Clue 3, Jin did claim that what he was doing was ritual. His practice dated all the way back. And it followed through history to him and the others.

Clue 4, their immortality is what made their continued existence possible. They must've been able to camouflage like Jin. It was important for their survival and their ways and their kind lived on because of it. Clue 6, being able to see and take others' memories must've just been something that came with their immortality.

With the stitch giving a purpose to the victims, it relates again back to ritual. Jin is an immortal voodoo doll. His immortality could come from some dark entity or force which gives him the ability of black magic. The famous ritual could very well be a performance of a spell on the victim. The stitch, as it did to me, healing the body, was meant to heal them completely. The heart is the life force of the body. They must've tampered with it somehow in attempts to save them all.

Clue 10, they aren't dead, but reborn. The fact that they aren't dead makes sense why we can't produce a cause of death from the victims. But also baffles me on why we can't detect a life force. Were the bodies in a sense resurrected? Maybe he meant they are dead, until day three when they're then reborn. I was still trying to piece together the last parts. I had figured most of it out, but the last part still made sense and didn't all at the same time.

It felt good to make sense of it all finally. I felt like a storm of darkness that had surrounded me this entire time had finally cleared away to let the sunshine through.

"How many names do we have so far?" I walked toward the large monitor.

"Well all together, I think we have almost 30,000. The full sheet is here." Hye stood and handed me a physical copy of a list. "There're about 40 for each row and then three columns down so that's 120 names per page and I think the last few pages are printing. But all together there should be about 250 pages."

"Good. That's great progress, everyone. I know this is a really hefty project but it's important we have these names." I looked to Jae. "Jae, can I see you for a minute?"

He nodded and followed me out of the lab and together we went to my office.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" He looked at me.

"I have a question for you." I looked at him as I sat down at my desk. He sat in a seat on the other side.


"Have you seen any of the guys lately?" I hadn't heard from any of them. I wanted so badly to just call Jin and hear his voice again. But I was too stubborn. And I know I shouldn't.

"No, not lately. I actually think they might've gone on tour or something. None of them are answering my texts and they weren't at the dorm the other day when I went over. Why?"

"I want to see if we can find out where they are."

"You can't get ahold of them either, huh?" He looked at me. "Not even Jin?"

I averted his gaze as I looked at my computer. "No. I want surveillance cameras checked at their regular hangouts and what not. We have to find them."

"Wait." He shifted in his seat and looked at me confused. "Why?"

"Can you try and call them and see if you can get ahold of them?"

"Did you and Jin have a fight? Is that why you've been all weird lately?"

"This isn't about me and Jin." I looked at him. He looked at me perplexed and then I just sighed and leaned back into my seat. "Jae, I think your friends know something about these disappearances."

His eyebrows rose. "What do you mean?"

"Do you remember when I received that letter about the dangerous game? And I said it was delivered by bird to my window?"


"Well that bird happened to be a falcon. A falcon that looks coincidentally just like Jin's. And that bird so happened to come to me, know who I was, and what we were doing, briefly after I had met your friends," I explained to him. That didn't even touch the surface. That was nothing compared to what I knew. But I couldn't just come out and tell them I knew the entire time and I did nothing to stop him.

His eyes filled with disappointment before he closed them and sighed. "Why them of all people?"

"I'm sorry, Jae. I know you really care about them. Quite frankly I'd grown to care too. But it's our job as enforcers of the law to do just that." My eyes fell back to the computer screen.

"I'll try calling them. But what are we going to do if they pick up? What are we going to do if we find them?" he asked.

"Well we may not need to call them after all, because there's a Vixx concert in the city this weekend. And the boys have to show up for their performance, right? So we'll go out with a team and take them into custody."


I felt so horrible to be the bearer of bad news. But it had to be done. He'd learn of it eventually. And now that he was aware, I had help in this. Let's just hope our weakness doesn't destroy our ability to do our job.

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