Thirteen- Truth Hurts

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| Friday October 9 - Sunday October 11, 2015 |

I woke up to the sound of pecking at my window. I opened my eyes with an annoyed moan. I looked over to see the Falcon was perched up on my windowsill with a new scroll around his leg. I scurried my way out of my bed quickly and opened the window. The bird flew in and sat on the back of one of the purple armchairs.

I gently pulled the scroll from his leg and pet him feebly. His eyes closed in pleasure. I laughed at the innocent animal before he opened his eyes again and took for the air.

I unraveled the scroll to see a long letter this time.

Good morning, Prane. It's a beautiful day today. I would suggest taking this day as your opportunity to make the few runs I have listed out for you in this note.

First I'd like to express that I'm glad you enjoy books. You'll have to do some reading of your own on this hunt. Visit Kyobo Bookstore and meet with Chen Mei. Tell her you want to read up on your history. She'll give you books in English.

Also, I'd like you to make me a treat. I'm craving sweets and I know you're good with baking from the smell of your suite the other night. Pick a sweet of your choice. Just don't do what I did my first time baking and let it sit in the 'dark' oven for 'two' hours.

See you Sunday.

"Well he sure is putting you to work," Farouk hovered over my shoulder.

I sighed and tossed the scroll onto the coffee table. "I have to get ready for work."


I walked down the block now. It was still a decent time of day after work so I decided to head to the bookstore tonight.

When I'd walked through the door, I was met by the smell of fresh books and silence. It was like a wonderland here. Books pleaded to be opened and tell their stories to me. At the end of the aisle a woman sat at a desk looking over a fashion magazine. She looked young and her hair was bleached.

"Excuse me," I walked up to her. "Are you Chen Mei?"

She nodded with a smile. "Can I help you? Are you looking for books in English?"

"Yes. Do you have any books on the nation's history?"

"Of course." She smiled greatly. "Would you like to buy a copy or do you want to sit in the back room and look through them?"

"I'll stay and look through them."

"Okay." She stood up. "Follow me." She walked out from behind the desk and led me to a small room in the back of the store. There were several books in Korean back here. Very few were English. She pulled them out for me and placed them on the table. "Just put them back when you're done, please."

"Sure thing. Thank you."

"You're welcome." She left the room and I opened the first book. It didn't take me long to notice what I was looking for.

During the Korean War a series of murders, mainly overlooked due to the focus on the war, took place. They happened in the city and slowly worked for appearance toward the southern regions of South Korea. They were directed by a man named Jung Ssamja. Called the 'stitcher' by Americans, he was a fraudulent doctor who offered to heal American soldiers who had made their way over to contain communism. His work was significant in that each of the victims found were stitched at the heart. Their eyes were also branded over with an X burnt onto the eyelids. After authorities had spent years hunting this man for his crimes, they had finally stopped him in Gwacheon where he committed suicide after sewing a cross to his chest and shooting himself in the head. His body was buried among the other dead in Gwacheon cemetery and historians attempted to erase his great mysteries and cover the news in war events and succeeded in erasing a lot of Ssamja's works.

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