Twelve- Checkmates and First 'Dates'

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| Sunday October 4, 2015 |

The wind gusted violently, making my body sweep across the glass ground. I looked up trying to see past the darkness that consumed the space beyond me. I looked above me to be met by a vast expanse of dark sky absent of stars. Morbid grey clouds lingered heavily above.

I looked down to see the floor was checkered between a matted film-like glass and looking glass. I stared down into the square I was on and staring back up at me was my own reflection.

I was dressed in all black with a black mask covering my nose and mouth. My gun was in my hand.

When I looked back up I saw a figure in the distance walking indolently in my direction.

Their laugh made it evident they were male. A male I'd heard before. It was Jin. He came into view now and I saw his whole figure. He had a sardonic grin stretched across his face. He wore all white.

"You're playing a very dangerous game," his voice echoed eerily through the air, which seemed to become thick with the tension between us.

Suddenly a pure white crown appeared atop his head and a weight was brought down on mine. I looked down into the mirrored square once more to see a crown, opposite in color from his, sat atop mine now as well.

When I looked back up Jin was gone and now scattered across the ground were chess pieces black and white in color. They were taller and thicker than me. The air was also now filled with that reddish-gold dust once again. So that's what the mask is for.

"Where are you?! Come face me!" I called out. My voice reverberated through the emptiness.

I heard his laugh again. It didn't come from any particular direction. I pulled my gun up and pointed. I pivoted in a slow cautious circle. "Come find me." His voice sounded so close to me.

I dove stealthily behind a black castle and pressed my back against it. What was this? Where was I? Did Jin take me here in my sleep? Would I find the other bodies here?

I crept around the castle and saw no one coming. With my gun tight in my hand, pointed at the ground in front of me, I walked between the black castle and a black horse. The pieces were cold. They were glossy and hard like stone. Were they made of onyx? Or maybe schorl?

I continued on to the next piece looking between them for Jin. He was nowhere to be found. The dust cloud was thickening above the ground. I moved for cover beside a white pawn. How could finding one person among all these chess pieces be that difficult?

Where was Farouk when I needed him? What was he doing abandoning me at a time like this?

I peaked around the pawn and saw Jin once again was nowhere to be found beyond the scattered pieces. I moved forward instead of to the left this time and approached a white castle. The white pieces were smooth and soft looking like pearls.

"Why are you hiding from me Jin? You've already faced me once. Come face me again," I called out once more. The only response I had received was silence.

I moved on to the next piece. A black bishop. There was a sudden wind behind me. I turned back quickly to see someone in all white had jumped from the top of the white castle. It was Jungkook. I quickly pulled the trigger out of reflex and I didn't have time to see if the shot actually met him or not before I took off into a sprint and slid to the ground ducking behind a white horse several scattered pieces away from Jungkook.

I tried my best to hear over my loud heartbeat. To calm my breathing. I looked back to the right, in his direction, to see there was no one coming. I got on my feet now.

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