Thirty Three- Capture

62 3 15

| Saturday January 9, 2016 |

I was going through the voicemails on my phone as I entered my hotel suite. I had received several calls from real estate agents offering to show me apartments and homes around the city but I just haven't had time for it. We've been busy with the case and hunting down the BTS members. I had posed my 'theory' to the other team members and for the most part they had believed me. It took a bit of convincing on how Vixx could be tied into this and I said it was basically no coincidence that both groups disappeared at the same time.

It was early in the morning and I had rushed out to the supermarket before work to get a few food items while I had the time and also some pain relievers for the headaches I've been getting. I felt like I was dehydrating myself a lot without even really realizing it so I had asked Jae to remind me to drink something every time he saw me throughout the day.

I walked back to the bedroom after placing the grocery bags down. When I walked into my room I heard a small chirp. I looked up and jumped slightly when I saw Jin's falcon sitting in the open window.

I looked around the room quickly for Jin. He was nowhere to be found. The falcon hopped in slightly and tilted his head at me. He must've been sent alone. Seeing the falcon made me only want to see Jin more. Wherever he was, was he thinking about me?

I walked over to the falcon and pet him gently. There was a red scroll tied around his leg. With hesitation I untied the ribbon and pulled it off. What did he want? Was he playing more games? Or maybe he wanted to meet me again somewhere.

I opened the scroll slowly.

Something big will happen tonight. Are you going to be in the right place?

The words made my hair stand up. It made my stomach queasy. Was he really going to do this again? He could never be straight forward. I wasn't ready to start chasing his string all over again. I'd finally reached the first ball of yarn. He was only adding to my plate now and it was another bite I couldn't take.

The falcon flapped his wings and took off into the sky again. I watched as he disappeared behind a building before I closed my window.

"He just has to continue to be a pain," I sighed as I got up and went to pack my stuff for work.

"Well what do you expect? Hasn't he always been one?"


"So you want us five to go to the concert?" Yoo Joon looked at me.

I was sending Yoo Joon, Tamaki, Ki-Min, Soji, and Jae to take care of the Vixx members while Hye and Rin stayed back with me at headquarters to monitor the city. If something big was going to happen then we couldn't all be gone at once.

"Yes. We other three will stay back and keep an eye on the city. Got it?"

They all nodded.

"Alright. Then let's get going. We've got some criminals to catch and a city to protect."

The five men suited up ready to take leave.

Rin, Hye, and I sat preparing the computers for surveillance. We had spent the day gaining access to city traffic cameras, parks and the subway surveillance. The large monitor had subway display on and the other monitors looked over the park.

We'd tried our best with our equipment to get the database to recognize all of the members' faces so it would alert us if one of the boys was recognized somewhere.

I wasn't up for games anymore. I never thought there'd be a day that I would get tired of them. But I had officially grown tired of games. It was time to put this king in check and I wasn't going to show mercy anymore. I couldn't afford it.

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