Thirty Seven- Somewhere Safe

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I woke up to sunlight in my eyes and a soft surface beneath me. The aroma of fresh brewed tea filled my nose.

I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling tiredly. I looked around the room, which was now clean and straight. I'd gone home after leaving Jin. I told everyone else to go home as well. We all needed a long rest. And what I was needed for wasn't very urgent.

My body ached with soreness and my eyes burned from all the crying I'd done yesterday and I could say this morning. It was probably four in the morning by the time I got back to the hotel. And I spent a half hour putting things back to the way they were before taking a long night of sleep.

"What time is it?" I asked, knowing Farouk was there.

"Almost one."

I sighed and stretched my body.

"There's a hot bath waiting for you and once you're done, I made tea and breakfast. Well, lunch I guess."

"Thank you," I spoke tiredly before rolling over to get out of bed. I sat up slowly. My head pounded with a headache and my stomach ached with piercing pain. Well this should be a great day. Wake up and the first thing I get is pain. This job is going to be the death of me even if I don't get shot or stabbed or whatever.

I stood up and made my way slowly to the bathroom. The water was hot and soothing. I felt my muscles unravel against the warmth. It felt so nice.

I could fall asleep again like this. If only it were earlier.

After my long soothing bath, I got dressed and walked to the kitchen.

Take the day off. You all need a break. Just relax today.

I texted all of the team members. They really had worked very hard. We'd all stressed enough for a while with this case. One day wouldn't hurt. I was still going to go in for a while, I wanted to talk to Hongbin and Ken. I wanted answers. I needed answers.

"Thank you," I said to Farouk as he placed a cup of tea in front of me and a plate of food.

He always made food very well. He cooked often for me anymore. It was nice. He never failed to take care of me.

"You're welcome."


Once I arrived at headquarters, I went up to my office to drop off my stuff. Then, with a bit of paperwork and recording equipment, I went to the interrogation room and set up.

I didn't care that Jin wasn't a killer. I mean, I did, but I couldn't care right now. We still had to find out where he was. He was still kidnapping. And none of the victims were returned. It was still a crime. If only he returned them, I could get him some amnesty. Maybe even prove his practice to be more helpful than harmful. But that's only if I can find him. If I can get close enough to him. If I can talk to him.

I don't want to pull the trigger. I don't want things to have to end in death, but the law doesn't know what I know about him yet, and if he doesn't come out and reveal himself to the rest of us, they will see no other option.

After setting up the interrogation room neatly, I retrieved one of the two men. I decided to take Ken first since I hadn't talked to him alone yet.

"Sit," I told him as I shut the door behind us.

He complied with me as we went through the uncuffing and cuffing process ordeal and he slid his chair in and sat at the table comfortably now.

I sat down across from him and slid him a cup of fresh coffee with a straw and he sipped at it quietly.

Don't Play With Dolls (BTS and VIXX)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora