Seven- The Mole

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Lily and I arrived at her apartment not long after leaving HQ. She lived fairly close, right at the edge of the Seodaemun-gu province.

She opened her door and allowed me in. Her apartment was big, more like a penthouse. Walking through the front door we entered a very open space with her kitchen to the left. Dividing her kitchen from her small dining section was a tall peninsula that had many bar stools lined on the opposite side. By the far wall was her living room. Her furniture was a dark sapphire blue with a white area rug and matching pillows. The space was very open and bright due to the back wall being nothing but ceiling to floor glass windows. Her floors were a beautiful dark wood that flowed from kitchen to living room.

"You have a lot of company often?" I asked her, looking over the space.

"Sometimes. Usually family. Most of the time I'm here by myself. But it's nice to have the extra space when I need it," she smiled at me.

"Yea, I bet. Too bad I don't have a big family to use as an excuse for a space this big," I joked with her.

She laughed. "Here, come, I'll show you the bedroom." She led me to the left, down a small hallway with three doors. "These two on the left are guest bedrooms and this on the right is the extra bathroom," she explained as we walked past the open doorways. The rooms were decent sized with matching furniture and the bathroom was a full with tiled flooring and backsplash behind the sink. We entered the last door directly at the end of the hallway. "And this is my room."

She stepped out of the way and allowed me to look around. Her room was very spacious and bright with more windows along the right side. Large dark purple drapes hung off to the sides of them that would pull shut to cover the windows. In front of the windows was a small seating area for two with a glass table in between the individual seats that looked out to the view. Her bedroom was a mix of dark purples and blues and modern style white furniture.

"This is nice."

"Thank you. Here, come, sit."

Farouk wandered off to the side where he sat on the floor and stared out the window. He closed his eyes with content in his expression as he took in the heat of the sun. He always loved sunbathing.

"So other than this new bit of information, how have you been getting along with the team? Are they treating you well? No issues with any of them?"

"No, they're all very good. Hard working and open minded."

She smiled. "I'm glad you're getting along with them. I apologize I haven't been very involved with the research and all; I've been wrapped up in a lot of other business."

"That's okay. I wouldn't expect a person with your title to not be busy."

"Yea, it gets to be exhausting very quickly."

"I bet. I wanted to ask you, has there been any history with any of the members of moments where they may have been questionable?"

She pondered that a moment. "Not that I can think of off hand. They're all very well behaved and don't give anyone problems that I'm aware of."


We sat in silence for a moment before Lily spoke again.

"Actually, I think there was an incident. Hye got into a fumble with someone after they harassed his younger sister."

"Really?" I looked at her surprised.

"Yea. I mean it was many years ago, but yea."

"Well was the fight serious? Did anyone get seriously injured?"

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