Twenty One- Safe

86 3 13

| Wednesday November 11, 2015 |

I sat on my sofa sipping at my tea. The chill of the end of fall had finally gotten to me and the early snow was falling now. Unfortunately in the midst of the chill I'd caught a miserable sickness so I sat at home resting and looking over files on my computer.

It was around 9:00 in the morning and I felt like I had gotten no sleep when I'd actually gotten eight hours. My eyes were heavy and my stomach ached with a painful queasiness.

Farouk sat beside me on the sofa allowing me to use him for warmth. I wanted to sleep more but I knew I still had stuff to do.

"I'm in the mood for chocolate milk," Farouk spoke as he got up.

I covered myself back up with the blanket to replace his faint warmth and looked to the TV. Some Korean drama was on but I wasn't really paying attention to it.

"I have a headache now," I squinted my eyes shut feeling the pain behind them. "This is just wonderful."

"I told you to wear a heavier coat going outside."

"Oh shush."

I turned the TV channel and just kept clicking through them. I skipped the news channel but immediately went back when I saw Lily and Jae on the screen in front of a scene. The ambulance strolled past with four body bags.

"Oh my god. I need to get down to head quarters," I jumped up.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. That's our case."

"Prane, they've got it under control."

I ignored him as I rushed to my room to get dressed. I threw on a dark business suit and rushed to the bathroom to fix myself up and make myself look decent.

When I was done I grabbed my bags and rushed for the door. My headache had gotten worse from my rushing around but I had to ignore it.

Farouk followed me out the door. "You're going for no reason," he argued.

My eyes burned with tiredness and my body ached to just relax but I had to fight it. After we reached the bottom floor I rushed out of the lobby and onto the busy streets.

People were still rushing to work and large vehicles scraped the snow out of the road. It was cold out here and once again I forgot my jacket.

I tried to push the cold out of my mind as I walked down the sidewalk.

My stomach started to turn on me but I held it down. My head pounded furiously.

I stopped at a cross walk and waited for the light to turn so I could walk. I looked down to my phone and began to text Jae. I glanced back up at the light and saw it was green and began to walk at a quick pace.

Suddenly my head ached with a sharp pain and my vision began to spot with neon colors and black spots. I swayed on my feet and had to stop myself for a second. I squeezed my eyes closed and brought my hand to my forehead.

The world slowed around me and the ground felt flexible beneath my feet as my balance was thrown. My ears heard the faint sound of the city around me but it seemed that everything was fading. I took a weary step forward and almost fell over.

Then there was the sound of a horn blaring from a distance that was obviously being shortened before I felt a force knock me forward. I opened my eyes in a fright and saw I was standing beside the road safely. I looked up to see Jin standing in front of me, panting and with a panicked concern in his eyes.

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