Thirty Four- The Right Place

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{{{Author's Note~Hey guys. New chapter just because I'm feeling nice today. :) Enjoy!}}}

We walked stealthily through the tunnels now. They were pitch black and echoed with the sound of dripping water and rodents scurrying away from the flashlights. The air was very chilled down here and the wind almost howled with an eerie soulless noise. It was a morbid and ominous place that made my stomach turn with uneasiness.

Farouk stood close by me and so did Jae. The entire team had come out this time. If we were facing all of them at once, we were going to need all of us. We all put armor on just incase things got very violent.

"Guys, this way." Jae noticed another passage way. It was very narrow and almost unnoticeable unless you shone the light directly down it.

"Ladies first?" he offered with a small smirk.

I moved in and sidestepped down the narrow space. There were several cobwebs and numerous insects crawling around on the walls and the ground.

I looked back to the others. "Any of you afraid of insects?" I laughed slightly. I would take anything to lighten the mood just for a split second.

Jae smiled at me as he followed behind me. "Gladly, no."

Once I reached the end of the tight passage, I stepped out into an open space. Shining my light around I noticed we now stood in a dark and deserted subway station. The station looked old and run down and plants that apparently didn't need much sunlight grew near the edges of the walls that opened up to a tunnel system.

"What is this place?" I asked in amazement.

It was like an abandoned beauty. An ancient find that would dare several tourists to journey to just to experience the dark and eerie serenity of this cold and abandoned manmade structure.

I watched as Jae walked to the edge of the platform and stuck his hand down. I heard him swish his hand through water.

"This is the abandoned subway route. Back when the subway system was first built," Jae explained.

"Some people believe it was just a myth. But I guess it really does exist." Hye looked around in awe.

"Why would an abandoned tunnel be a myth?" I looked at them.

"Because they say the tunnel is haunted by mourning spirits," explained Sojiro. "They shut this route down because of the accident. There was a miscommunication between routes and two trains collided head on. It killed 120 people or something like that."

"The collision was right below the Han River. It initially broke the tunnel only a crack. But the pressure of the water caused it to expand and caused the system to be swept with flooding. Luckily it didn't cause too much damage to the rest of the system because this level was the first of the descended levels of the tunnels. It's some thirty meters deeper in the ground, I believe. So they made it easy on themselves and just sealed it off and forgot about it and let nature take its toll on the deteriorating structure," Yoo Joon spoke from where he stood away dusting off a wall to read writing left on them.

"Yea," Jae sighed. "And now it's just a forgotten part of the city, filled with fresh running river water and creatures of the dark." He stood up and turned to face me.

The tale sounded like something that'd come from a fiction novel. A tragedy that was left to be buried.

"Well, we should spread out and see what we can find," I spoke.

"Alright," Rin agreed.

"Yoo Joon and Ki-Min, go that way. See if there's anything beyond those stairs. If there isn't, stay here in the station and guard the entrance. Hye, Rin and Soji, go down the tunnel that way. Tamaki, Prane and I will cover this direction," Jae spoke as he motioned to each direction.

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