Forty Five- The Golden Prince

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{{{Author's Note~ Hey there lovelies. Just a quick message. My amazing friend Bts-trash40 and I are working on a BTS collaboration called Seven Wings of the Damned. The preview for the book is up and we'd love it if you went and checked it out on our account JiminsWinglessJams . Thank you all so much 😊 seriously you're all amazing. Enjoy this next chapter and I'll see ya next Tuesday 😎😉❤️.}}}

| Monday June 17, 2019|

_____Three Years Later_____

Everyone applauded as Jae and his newly wedded wife entered the hall. Seeing how happy he was made me smile gratefully to experience such a moment. He looked over at me and smiled as I snapped a photo.

Three years had gone by since Jin was gone and everything went downhill. Things got better and started looking up after the first month had gone by. I still lived in Korea of course. I had considered leaving and returning home, but I decided not to with a little convincing from Jae. I lived just outside the city in a small and quiet suburban area in a decent sized house that could fit a few guests at a time. Since I lived out of country, I needed a lot of space for my family when they decided to come visit since they all mainly came at once. They came often too, which was nice since it was only me and Farouk here.

The agency had put me on a brief work relief due to Jae and the other team members convincing the board that I needed serious care and help for my mental recovery. I underwent extensive and intense private counseling for the first year through the agency for what they only believed was my grief over Jin. Outside of work I had to take counseling and treatment through the clinic for my sickness. It was extremely difficult speaking to people about issues I didn't want to accept. About the truth I didn't want to face.

But eventually I had accepted it all. I accepted my Leukemia diagnosis and with the motivation and help from Farouk, I was trying my hardest to stand strong and fight it. Living with cancer was difficult and agonizing at times, but I was getting through it. The doctors said because I was so healthy, they could see me living beyond the five year mark, which most Leukemia patients didn't pass. It was a nice feeling, but it still got to me at times. I still hadn't told anyone about my sickness. I didn't want to burden anyone with the reality I was living. Everyone else was so happy and content with their lives.

Jae was married now, my brother and his wife had a child on the way, and my parents had officially made it to their dream retirement home in Greece. Everyone's life was going so well. I couldn't really complain too much about my own either. Though I was suffering from cancer, nothing was really that bad at the moment. I still hadn't healed fully from what happened with Jin. And I hadn't gotten over him, but I was taking everything day by day.

I also took his advice and stopped concealing so many of my feelings. I opened up again to having more fun and doing more with myself besides just working all the time.

I got into singing again. I hadn't done anything big or extraordinary with it though I've had a few offers, but I did small things here and there. I'd also taken on photography as a hobby just to keep me busy for a while. It wasn't a bad hobby. It was relaxing and it made me calm. It was nice to capture moments that may never come or happen again. I wished I had gotten into it while I was with Jin. So I had memories with him to look back on. But I didn't, which is what kept me motivated even more to capture every moment I could. I didn't want to miss it. I didn't want the time to go by. Sometimes I wish time would stop. So I didn't have to continue on and die.

But that was the future for me and I had accepted it. So for now, I was just living.

"Alright everyone," I called out. "Both families gather around for a group photo with the bride and groom."

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