Nineteen- Clue

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{{{Author's Note~ Hey guys! It's officially 19 days until my birthday, so I'm feeling extra nice today. So here's a chapter to celebrate 😉. There will still be another update tomorrow as usual. Thanks for reading. Enjoy! ❤️}}}

| Saturday November 7, 2015 |

I walked through the door now with bags of groceries in my hands. I had just come back from the super market near my new hotel. I'd been here for two days now and was settling in nicely.

This suite had a full kitchen and was a nice size for entertaining. The space was also very bright and let the sun in. Farouk laid across the floor in front of the window sunbathing. He'd been doing that most of the time since we switched hotels.

"You know if others could see you, they'd walk in and think I had a dead body on the floor."

"Well I guess it's a great thing others can't see me then." He smiled with his eyes still closed blocking out the sun's light. He laid on his back with his arms beneath his head as a substitute for a pillow. He wore no shirt which he normally did. His charcoal black hair fell to the side of his face. He looked so peaceful when he was relaxed like this. Like the sun painted over all of his immortal features and licked at them with vibrant light. He looked alive. He looked human.

I put away the groceries and tossed all of the bags into recycling. I walked to Farouk and placed a bottle of chocolate milk beside him. He always loved chocolate milk so I made sure to buy a few for him.

"Thank you," he spoke without opening his eyes.

"You're welcome. There's others in the refrigerator but don't go through them too quickly. You'll make yourself sick again," I explained as I walked away to the bedroom.

I changed into a comfortable pair of yoga pants and a loose t-shirt to wear around the suite.

Today was just a relax day. I wasn't going to do much. Probably sit around, maybe read and play games with Farouk. It was nice to rest my mind for a while.

It had been two days since I'd seen Hongbin and I hadn't allowed my mind time to actually ponder on it. I didn't want to think into it. I didn't want to pull it apart.

I walked back into the living room and turned on the TV to run through a twenty minute session of exercise. Exercising always made me feel better. It relaxed me and cleared my mind like high winds cleared trees. I put on an old CD my brother had given me for Christmas one year of Trace Adkins. It made me smile thinking back on the memory of riding with him in his brand new pick up truck blaring the CD and singing obnoxiously to it. He and I had always had a great time around each other more than anyone else. No one could replace him if they tried.

After a session of p90x I decided to end with a few yoga poses. The stretching really relieved and released a lot of my stress. I felt so old in such a short time with this case. I normally didn't have time like this to just relax and workout and I felt so refreshed now that I had done it. I was bent over backwards stretching into a bridge position for 60 seconds when there was a knock at the door.

I pulled myself up straight and rolled my shoulders back as I walked to the door. When I opened it my eyes met Jae, N, Ravi, Jin, Jimin, and Hongbin all standing outside.

Jae gave me a greeting smile. "Good mornin'" He tried to fake a Texan accent horribly.

I couldn't help laughing a little as I looked at him oddly.

"Well, we're all taking a trip to Texas with that music going," N smiled playfully.

I stepped aside and let them all in, averting Jin and Hongbin's gazes. Especially Hongbin's. He couldn't seem to take his eyes from me.

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