Thirty Six- No Criminal

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{{{Author's Note~ Hey guys! I hope you've been enjoying the book so far 😊. I'm going to do a premium weekend so expect a new chapter for the next few days up until Tuesday. Also just wanted to thank one of my new friends Bts-trash40 for reading and always obsessing with me over BTS and kpop groups in general 😂. So please go read her book "Stay Away From Me". It's really good, and the main character shares the same name as me! 😍😂}}}

| Sunday January 10, 2016 |

I overturned everything. I flipped pillows, mattresses, even the chairs were overturned in search of where I had sighted this symbol. On a wall? A cup? Traced on my window? Where?

My body was getting weak and I was ready to crash. I was exhausted and I was miserable. My mind and my body were going insane. But they weren't on the same page. I was desperate.

I checked my books. I checked especially the book Jin gave me. I flipped through the pages frantically.

"Where the hell is that symbol?!" I threw the book down.

"I can't believe you really don't remember," Farouk grumbled.

I turned to him. "Shut up unless you're going to help!" I snapped.

My body trembled. My head was floating with the clouds while my body was buried in the sands. I felt like I was going to split in half at any second.

I ran to the bathroom and shuffled through the cabinets. I fogged the mirror to see if the symbol was there. I couldn't find it anywhere. I ran back to the bedroom and searched with my eyes. After a moment I dropped to the floor with defeat.

Why can't I win? Why can't I just defeat this all already? Why did I have to come here? Why couldn't I be at home right now? Relaxed and dealing with my simple work.

I curled over as the cry escaped me. The tears ran down my face and my body quivered with weakness. With utter trepidation. I was drowning. Drowning in defeat and there was no one to pull me free. No one to calm the waters and save me.

My stomach contracted with a piercing pain. I couldn't tell if it was hunger or anxiety. It was excruciating but I didn't care. My body was numbing to my physical state. My mentality was destroying me. I was breaking down.

Was this it? Was I giving up? Was I accepting my defeat? Was I letting him win? Letting him take it all?

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. The tears meandered down the side of my face. I couldn't give up. I couldn't give up on my brother. On this case. On everyone who had come so far with me to stop this.

I looked over toward the scene I had created. The room was a mess. Torn apart in every corner. The product of my madness.

My eyes fell to the space beneath my bed. Hiding beneath it was a small figure. I got up and went over to bend down to look at the object. I reached for it. It was soft and squeezable. I pulled the object from beneath the bed and in my hand was the small voodoo doll Jin had given me. I remembered throwing it once again out of frustration after Jin had left.

And there it was. The symbol. I almost burst into laughter with relief and also the feeling of stupidity. How had I forgotten about it? Dangling around the doll's neck was a little golden key. A key small enough for that hole in the subway. I immediately snatched the key and I rushed out the door.


Once I reached the abandoned tunnels once again, I walked with a swiftness on my own. My body shivered from the cold and also from being tired. I hadn't put on my full suit of protective armor again. This time I wore my regular attire with my weapons belt clipped around my waist and the key tied to a ribbon around my wrist.

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