Part 1- Liverpool 1962.

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Carole heaved herself from the chair and busied herself making Bobby's tea. He liked his meal on time or his got angry ... she wanted to avoid that at all costs after last time. She rubbed her arm where he'd grabbed her then squeezed it so hard, it was black and blue! Handling food made her morning sickness even worse. Her mum had said it would get better but it didn't seem to be doing! Bobby wasn't very sympathetic either. It was OK for him! He'd had his fun but it was her who'd had to suffer the comments that came from being pregnant and unwed! Their rushed wedding wasn't what either of them wanted but they knew they had no choice. On top of all that, Bobby seemed to resent her since she told him she was expecting, and being pregnant was horrible!! 

It was the sight of the liver did it! She slipped it into the frying pan and it lurked there. Her stomach heaved then she ran to the sink and vomited!! She was sat on the kitchen char, leaning over the sink when Bobby came in.

"What ya doing?"

She lifted her face to him. "Sorry love, I kept being sick! I needed to rest a minute."

"Where's my tea?"

She looked towards the pan. In the dash to be sick she realised she hadn't turned the gas on under the pan! She felt the remaining colour drain from her face and prayed he wouldn't get angry.

"It'll be just a few minutes love," she said hurriedly, "I'm sorry...I felt so ill!"

He tutted impatiently. "What is it?" he snarled, looking at the bloody mess in the pan in disgust.

"I thought I'd do liver and onions love." she tried to smile, "With mash ...the potatoes are ready. The meat will be a few  min...."

"I can't fucking stand liver!!!" he shouted, startling her, "You know that!"

Carole stared at him in fear. "I di... didn't know! I'll go to the chippy instead if..."

"Stupid bitch! Can't even cook a meal I can eat!" He glared at her then lashed out his hand, catching her on the side of her face.

She stumbled back... partially from the force and partially to move out of his reach! She reached for her bag. 

"I'll go get the ch..."

He took a step towards her and grabbed the neck of her dress. "I don't want no fucking chips! I had them yesterday!"

"Please Bobby, I ..." She saw the anger in his eyes. She knew then there was no point trying to plead with him.

Jim tutted. There it was again. The shouting and crying from next door. The young couple, who'd moved in just a few months ago, were fighting again! It was virtually every night these days ... and he'd seen Carole, the young wife, pegging out washing and trying to hide the black eyes and bruises she'd been left with. There was no need for a man to treat a woman like that! He heard a door slam and angry footsteps as Bobby stormed down the front path. Jim listened for a moment. There wasn't a sound. He was worried...normally he heard Carole crying after her husband left. The sound of silence couldn't be good. Worrying about her, he called his son from his room.


"Mike ... I need you to help me."

"OK." As usual he thundered down the stairs.

Jim lead his son into the front garden and then the pair slipped down the small ginnel between the two houses.

"Dad. where're we going?"


Jim knocked on the back door and waited.  


"Carole love. Carole. It's Jim from next door."

Still nothing.

He tried the door, hoping it was unlocked. It opened. Jim went in, Mike hot on his heels. Jim called her again, looking around as Mike now went on ahead.

"DAD!" There came a yell, "Dad, I've found her! She's here!"

Jim hurried through the house to where Mike was knelt beside the form of a woman, lying unconscious in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. She had blood oozing from a cut on her head as well as swelling on her lips and eyes. His eyes fell on the unmistakable mound of her stomach. He felt his heart lurch... the poor girl was pregnant!

"Mike," he said hurriedly, "run to the phone box and call an ambulance! Quick!"

"What do I tell them Dad?"

"Tell them there's a young pregnant woman who seems to have fallen downstairs. That she's unconscious."

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