Part 12 - The Beatles.

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After a moments hesitation Carole took the offered hand and followed Ritchie into the living room. John was sat on the arm chair legs sprawled as usual. George stood next to the kitchen door, biscuit barrel in hand. Paul maintained his place on the sofa. Carole sat next to him, Ritchie perched on the chair arm next to her. 

"Right." said John, looking at Carole and Ringo, "Would one of you like to explain what's been going on here?"

Carole felt Ringo tense, the situation clearly angering him again.

"I will." she said hurriedly, looking up at Ringo and giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "OK?"

He nodded. "Sure."

"Go on then." said John quietly, already noticing how agitated his band mate was.

"I got a phone call from Brian..." she told them all the whole sorry tale. "... and then said he'd give me £5000 to 'help me move." Carole fought back the tears as her story ended. "That's it."

John looked from Paul to George, all equally appalled. "Brian? I don't understand why though. What's he got against Carole? Ringo mate, any idea?"

Ringo, his arm around a clearly upset Carole, looked up at John. "She's married."

"What? So?"

Ringo quickly explained Brian's concerns over negative publicity. 

"He's got a point though, doesn't he?" said Carole suddenly, "It doesn't look good....someone in the public eyes living with a married woman! I should have just done what Brian wanted! It would have stopped all this mess and upset!"

"NO!" Ringo cried as if in pain.

John looked at the couple.  "So that no mark husband of yours, you left him?"

"Yes ... but I had no choice." Carole stammered.

"No, I know Carole love." He gave her a slight smile, "Cyn told me. No more to be said. OK?"

She nodded. "OK...and?"

"You don't intend to go back to him then?"

Carole stared at him, horrified. "Not if he was the last man left on the planet. NEVER!"

"Then the press don't need to know anything then do they?" George suggested quietly.

"But if I'm seen with Ritchie, out and about, then someone from Liverpool will recognise me, if not Bobby himself. Do you really think they'd keep their mouth shut? Because I don't! They could make money on spilling the details!"

"Carole has a point there John." That was Paul.

John nodded. "Divorce him."


"Divorce the bastard!" John repeated, looking from Carole to Ritchie. "You don't want to go back to him so the marriage is over right?"

Carole nodded.

"So you need to be free of him regardless of what happens with you and Ringo here."

"There'd still publicity from that though."

"Lawyers can stop all that if you pay them enough," said George grimly, "And The Beatles can pay them enough, can't we lads?"


Paul nodded. "So what do you think Carole? Divorce Bobby then it gives you and Ringo a chance to be a proper couple. No more hiding away. Surely that would be better?"

She nodded then felt Ritchie give her shoulder a squeeze. "What about Brian though?"

"We could speak to him," said Ritchie suddenly, "You and me. Plus I need to apologise to him anyway. He'll know how to get the ball rolling and who to use."

Carole looked up at him. "And the lads, The Beatles? What about them?"

Ringo looked at his friends. "I'll forget the resignation, if you want me back and don't mind what happens next."

John gave him a skeptical look. "What you reckon Mac? Shall we have him back or get someone else?"

Paul grinned. "Not sure. Who could we have instead?"

"What about Julian?" said George laughing, "He rattled the pans in my cupboard the other day. He's got rhythm for a two year old!"

"CHEEK! BLOODY CHEEK!!" Ringo was laughing too.

"Nah," said John, "Cyn'd go mad at the late nights and stuff. It'll have to be our Ringo!"

Carole watched as the four friends hugged and laughed, resealing their friendship.

"Right...I think we need to leave these two love birds to themselves, " said John winking at Carole, "They've got things to talk about. Ringo, get your arse to the studio for 10 tomorrow ....we've got drum tracks that need doing desperately!"

Laughing, Ringo walked the three men to the door. There was some talk and joking around on the steps before they finally headed off. Ringo returned to the living room to find Carole still sat on the sofa, waiting for him. He sat beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. 

"You OK love?" he asked her softly, pulling her into a hug.

Carole looked and the floor and shrugged. 

"Carole love?" He heard her sigh then she looked up at him, a strange expression on her face. "Carole, what's wrong? I thought you'd be pleased?"

"Oh I am...well I'm pleased that you're back with the band but..." she stopped abruptly.

"But what?"

She looked at him then stood up. "I thought I knew you Ritchie. I thought you were a loving gentle soul. That you were different from other men who think with their fists!"

"I am!"

She shook her head.  "But I was wrong. You're not who I thought you were Ritchie. You shout, order people around, slam doors...." she looked appalled, "...and you're violent towards others!"

"Carole, I've explained all this!" Ringo stood up, "I thought you understood now!"

"You've explained yes, but the thing is, what you did, it's still there, inside you. The anger that made you believe it was OK to do what you did! If you've done it once, you'll do it again!" She moved away from him, fear in her face, "I'm sorry Ritchie, I don't know if I can be with someone like that. The unpredictablity...the wondering whether I'll do or say something that will evoke such a response? How long will it be before you 'accidentally' hit me?"

"No, I'm not like that!" He pleaded, "I'd never ever hurt you!"

"I heard that before Ritchie. You know Bobby, each time he hurt me, he would plead he was sorry. That he loved me and wouldn't do it again." She shook her head, "But he did. The more he apologised, the more he hit me. I can't live like that again, no matter how much I care about you. I can't take the chance!"

"Carole, I love you with all my heart. I would never hurt you in any way, I promise you that. Hand on heart." He stepped towards her but stopped when Carole shook her head.

"I've never doubted that you love me Ritchie but..." she shook her head and sighed deeply. "I'm so tired. I'm going to bed Ritchie."

"Can I come with you?"

"NO!" She shook her head. "I want to sleep alone tonight Ritchie. I need to think things through. Good night."

"Good night Carole love."

He watched as she turned away. She went into the room she had used before their relationship had started. Without further comment, she closed the door firmly then he heard her lock it.

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