Part 9 - She loves you...

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Carole stretched and opened her eyes. The room was dark except for the creeping fingers of dawn peeping through a gap in the curtains. She shifted slightly then closed her eyes, already feeling the pull of sleep once more.


Carole's eyes shot open!


Snoring? Carole slowly turned her head then froze. She wasn't in her room. She wasn't in her bed and she wasn't alone!  A dark tousled head lay in the pillow next to her. Ritchie! Carole lay there, feeling her heart thumping. Memories of the previous night came flooding back. He'd told her he liked her. He'd asked for a date. Careful not to wake him, she slid out of bed and out of the room.

Once back in her own room she sat on the bed, her head in her hands. She still couldn't believe how things had changed last night. From laughing and joking with a friend to kissing him and opening up her heart to him. He'd been lovely with her, despite her tears. Ritchie hadn't realised she was still technically married. When  she told him why she had left Bobby... the violence and the miscarriage...she had cried for hours. He'd held her and told her it didn't change his feelings. He was prepared to take a chance at a relationship with her at her matter how slow. He'd continued to comfort her until she'd fallen asleep with him in his room.  She'd awoken fully dressed....Ritchie, always the gentleman.

She glanced at the clock... it was only just 6am. She knew the likelihood of either George or Ritchie being up and about before eleven was remote. Using her en-suite, she showered and dressed then went through into the kitchen to make some breakfast. 

Ring woke unusually early, immediately discovering that Carole had gone. He climbed out of bed and walked quietly through the flat. He checked her room, then the living room before finding her sat in the kitchen, deep in thought.

"Penny for them?"

Carole jumped, startled from her thoughts. She looked up to see him smiling at her.

"Morning." she said softly, "How's you?"

"Wondering where you were!" he replied, walking over to her and kissing her cheek. "I woke up and you were gone!"

Carole blushed and turned away from him, unsure what to say.

"Carole love," Ringo asked softly, "Is there something wrong?"

Avoiding his eyes, she shook her head.

"Carole...last night you and I talked about so many things. Please to me now. Is there something wrong?" He knelt in front of her and took her hand. "Well?" He gave her hand a squeeze.

She shrugged. "I... I don't know what to say. Last night... it seems surreal!" She smiled at him. "I still think you're lovely though!"

"Thank God for that!" Ringo exclaimed, "I thought you were going to say you'd changed your mind about giving us a go!" He kissed her again, this time on the lips. A kiss which she returned. Ringo moved away, smiling at her. "You're sure you're OK?"

She nodded and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm fine now!" She beamed at him. "Hungry?"


"Bacon Butty?"

"Please! Oh thanks Carole love!"

Within minutes the kitchen was filled with the smell of bacon cooking. 

"Should I put some in for George?" she asked him as he filled the kettle for tea.

"He's not here. He didn't come home."


"Yeah ...spent the night with his new girlfriend. He met her on the film set. She's called Patti."

Carole smiled. "Good old George! Is she nice?"

Ringo put his arms around her waist. "She's OK....not as nice as you though!"

"You charmer!" She hit him playfully, "I thought those kind of chat up lines were for Paul!"


"Hey, I was joking!" She smiled up at him, "Anything planned for today Mr Starkey?"

"Me?" He looked thoughtful, "I was hoping to spend the day with you!"

Carole grinned with delight!

The lads reaction to the blossoming romance between Ringo and Carole was genuine delight. Cynthia was over the moon too. It now seemed that all four Beatles has a special someone in their lives. However, when the news reached Brian's ears, he wasn't so impressed as Carole discovered after being summonsed to his office one morning whilst Ringo was in the studio.

"Good morning Carole. Tea?" He remained as polite as ever.

"Thank you."

Carole waited nervously whilst he sorted out the tea cups before sitting down opposite her.

"I get straight to the point Carole. You and Ringo. It has to stop. NOW!"

Carole was stunned. "What! Why? What have we done?"

"Nothing in particular," Brian looked solemn, "Look Carole, the boys, their image is important. People see them as clean cut good lads."

"I know that but what does that have to do  with me and Ritchie?" She was still confused.

"Carole, you're a married woman."


"OK," Brian admitted, "Separated yes but you're still legally married."


"So Ringo can't be seen engaging in an affair with a married woman! My god girl, can you imagine the scandal and negative publicity if this got out!"

"But I love him. He loves me."

"You need to end it Carole. I know he won't do it but you will."


"Look, I'm going to make you a deal. End it with Ringo before details of your relationsip become public. That means NOW! TODAY!" He looked grim.  "Then pack your bags. Once you've done that I'll make sure £5000 is deposited into your bank account to help you move on!"

Carole stood up. "NO! You can't force this on us!"

"Do you truly care for Ringo like you say you do?"

"Of course I do!"

"Do you want to destroy his career with The Beatles? Fans and the public at large won't want him in the band if he has a married mistress."

"I'm not his mistress!" She was indignant!

"You are Carole. That's exactly what you are."

Carole stared at Brian, realising there was an element of fact in what he was saying.

"If you love Ringo like you say, let him go Carole. It's the only way he can continue working with The Beatles. The only other option is for him is to leave the band. Could you really take that away from him?"

She shook her head. "I don't want your money." She whispered softly, "I'll speak to Ritchie because I care about HIM. I don't need buying off!" 

She turned and left the room.

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