Part 43 - Parenting.

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Ritchie looked out into the garden, watching the children playing, Carole by his side.

"What did you say to Zak to make him come around?"

She smiled. "I told him I loved you but would make sure you stayed being his dad....oh and Max helped a lot!"


"Your little boy wants a dog of his own. I told him that Max came here when I did! I think that clinched it for him!"

Ritchie nodded. "He's talked about a puppy since he was about four.... we always said no!"

She laughed. "That's pretty much what he told me."

He turned to her and kissed her. "I knew they'd love you."


They broke apart, laughing at the disgusted faces of the three children.

Carole tiptoed into their bedroom.

"Where have you been?" Ritchie asked.

"Just checking the kids were asleep."

He smiled. "And?"

"Sound asleep."

Richie climbed into bed and patted the space beside him. Grinning, Carole got in next to him. He immediately pulled her closer and  began to kiss her.

"What's with the pyjamas?" he whispered, "Where's the skimpy lacey knickers and bra?"

"Ritchie, there's three children in the house!"

"So!" He nuzzled into her neck, nipping and kissing.

"Stop it!"


"Ritchie, not with the kids in the house....please. it doesn't seem right and Zak's door is open too! He'll hear us!"

"Why is it open?"

"Max is in there. He'll want to get out in a while.

Ritchie tutted. "So you're saying no sex whilst the kids are here?"

"Sorry!" She looked embarrassed, "I just don't want them to hear us!"

He laughed. "Practice my love! Silent sex takes practice!"


He nuzzled her once more. "And I think we need to practice."

Carole groaned, she wanted him but...

"And I'll make sure you stay quiet!" He kissed her deeply and she knew she couldn't fight him anymore!

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Carole awoke first then shook Ringo from his sleep. He mumbled but didn't wake up. She scrambled from the bed to find a tearful Lee at the foot of the bed. Immediately she enveloped her in a hug.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Bad dream!" The little girl cried then snuggled into Carole's arms. "I was scared!"

"Oh're safe now! I'll make sure of that!" she whispered.

Lee yawned sleepily snuggling into Carole even more. Standing up, she took the child back to her own bedroom.


"It's OK," she soothed, "I'm going to stay with you. You're safe!"

Max came padding into the room. He sniffed around, gave Lee a lick on her hand and then lay down by the bed. 

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