Part 26 - Reasons

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Carole turned around and walked away from him.

"Where are you going?" he called after her.

She returned moments later, a bottle of wine in her hand. "This is all I've got. Ben and I were going to share it with a meal."

He snatched it from her. "Corkscrew?"

She held it out to him in her other hand.

She watched as he opened the bottle then took a long swig, downing almost half a bottle in one go. He stopped as he realised Carole was stood watching him.


"How long have you had a drink problem Ritchie?" Her voice was calm, quiet.

"I don't have a drink problem!"

"Look at you! Desperate for a drink! How can you say that's not a problem?"

"Why do you care anyway?"

"Well, since you're currently under my roof, I'd like to know what I'm dealing with."

"I'll go then!"

"Ritchie, please, I'm not criticising you!" Carole suddenly found herself in tears, "I care about you! I always will despite our lives moving separately! The last time I saw you you were happily married with the great kids you always said you wanted and a great job. Now look at you. Please talk to me!" She sat down suddenly and put her head in her hands.

Ritchie moved over to her. "Ok."

She looked up at him. "What's happened to you?"

Ritchie shook his head. "After The Beatles split I suddenly didn't know who I was anymore! One minute I'm Ringo Starr, drummer with The Beatles  the next thing is I'm a bloke with no job or purpose in life."

"But your family? You wife and children?"

"I've screwed it all up."


"I had a fling with George's wife," He shook his head, "Fuck knows why. I told Maureen and made her promises. I fought to put things right but.....I hit the bottle after The Beatles, it got worse after the affair. Finally Maureen threw me out because I was constantly pissed. Wants a divorce now and won't let me see the kids." 

Carole looked at the man in front of him. She could understand how splitting with the lads would leave him lost in life. Her heart went out to him.

"When did you last see your children?"

"Three months ago!" Carole watched as a tears rolled down his cheek, "They're my kids and she won't let me anywhere near them!"

"Has she given you a reason why?"

"She says she'll only let me see them if I'm sober with somewhere decent to live. HOW CAN I DO THAT? LOOK AT ME!"  More tears.

Carole took the bottle from him and returned it to the kitchen. She emptied the remaining contents down the sink.  

"Look at me Ritchie. NOW!"

He raised his face.

"Stop wallowing self pity. The Ritchie I knew and loved would have fought tooth and nail for his children!"


"Sober up. Do what you wife wants. It might even save your marriage! Paul and the others moved on, why can't you?"

"That's obvious!" He shook his head, "Carole, I was just the drummer...I contributed nothing creative! That was all the others. They've got the talents to be successful individually....I've got nothing but a pair of drum sticks!"

"You have a family that love you. Do it for them."

Ritchie looked at her as if such a thought had never occurred to him. "But..."

Carole interrupted him. "Look, I don't want anymore excuses. DO what you want with your life!" she snapped, "I'm too tired to care anymore. I've offered you my help, I've put you up for the night when I could been snuggled up with Ben." She gave him a hard cold stare. "There's no more booze in the house Ritchie so don't bother looking. I tipped the left over wine down the sink. If you decide to go some where, tell me so I know the flat is all locked up. Good night."

She turned a walked back into her room, leaving Ritchie staring after her.

It was late when she awoke. Glancing at the clock it had gone 12 noon. Carole sat up hurriedly. Ben was meant to be coming at 11am! Damn! Had she missed him? 

She walked through to the kitchen and stopped dead. Ben and Ritchie were sat at her table....talking. Ben, facing the door, looked up.

"Carole sweetheart," He walked over and kissed her, " Fancy you two discovering you were old friends! It explains the picture of you with The Beatles in the hallway!"

After checking both men had eaten, she made herself some toast and a cup of coffee. She sat down between the two of them.

"Ritchie was saying he was going to go for a quick lunchtime drink. Mind if I go with him love?"

Carole looked from Ben to Ritchie. "Didn't you have too much last night?" she asked him sternly, her eyes raised. "I thought you'd decided to make 1973 the year of no drink?"

Ritchie held his hand up. His shakes were worse than ever, making Carole realise what a sorry state he really was in. 

"Suit yourself."

The two men left, leaving Carole deep in thought. She knew Ritchie needed help before he ending up drinking himself to death! She needed a way to make him see sense but how? She wanted to help but not at the risk of  damaging her relationship with Ben. She loved Ben. He'd  given a reason to have fun and feel happy again. She saw Ritchie as weak willed and  knew she had a better man in Ben. Despite that, she knew she couldn't turn her back on Ritchie completely . He needed a friend at this time.

Thinking of friends make him think of Paul. Out of all The Beatles, Paul and  Ringo had always been mates. She headed to the phone, delving into her memory for the long unused phone number. She dialed what she hoped was Paul's number and waited. It rang a few times then finally some one answered.

"Hello. Could I speak to Paul please?"

"I'm sorry, he's not available at present. Can I take a message?"

Carole hesitated. "Is that Dot? Paul's housekeeper?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"Dot, I don't know if you'll remember me, mine name is Carole Blackburn, I knew Paul when I was Ringo's girlfriend. I stayed with you  after we split up."

"Oh yes, I remember you now. What can I do for you?"

"Please, can you tell Paul that RIngo has suddenly appeared again. He's a mess and needs help. I wanted to ask him to help."

"I'm afraid Paul has had no contact with any of the other Beatles since the split. He may not be interested but I can try."

"Oh thank you!" She gave her number to Dot in the hope that Paul would return her call then hung up.

All she had to do now was wait.

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