Part 33 - Anger.

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Carole let herself into the flat.


Looking up the hallway, Ben was stood looking at her, a furious expression on his face.

"Just out." Carole tried to pass him. She was in no need to argue. He grabbed her arm.

"Arrggh! You're hurting me! Let go!"

"Where did you go?" Ben snarled at her. He shook her. "I know you went with HIM! That old biddy next door couldn't wait to tell me she'd seen you with another bloke!"

"Let me go and I'll explain. Please Ben, you're hurting!"

He finally let go of her arm and followed her into the kitchen.


"Ritchie arrived here at about 10am. He said you sent him."

"I did. He was at the bar. He said he wanted to apologise."

"He came in. We talked. He apologised then invited me out to lunch." she smiled warily at Ben, "I thought saying yes would help me find out what he wants. Then we can get rid of him quicker!"

"That's it?"

Carole nodded.

"And that takes all day? Come on....I'm not stupid."

"We talked. Nothing else. He told me he's stopped drinking and is now trying to sort out his marriage problems."

"Nothing else?"

"What else would there be?" Carole pleaded. "Ben, I'm sorry I'm back later than expected but don't be angry with me. I'm only doing what you wanted me to do."

Ben looked at her. She could still see the anger in his eyes and it scared her. She stood up and went to him. She held out her hand to him. Can I have a hug?"

He nodded. She walked to him and reached up to him. He began sniffing her. She backed away.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking you."

Carole backed further away, Ben's behaviour causing her more concern. "Checking what?"

"I checking to see if you smell of semen. That way I'll now you've been with HIM!"

"You're mad! How dare you suggest I'd go with someone else!" She turned away from him and walked to the living room.

"Then let me check if you've had sex today?" He grabbed her again and turned her to face him.  "Come on."


"Then all I can assume is that you're hiding it from me!"

"What do you expect me to do? Lie on the bed, my legs spread so you can check?" she snarled at him, "Well FUCK YOU! If you don't trust me then leave! You've got no right the treat me like this. Maybe marrying you is a bad idea after all!"

"FINE!" He stepped towards her and grabbed the neck of her dress. "You've given me no choice. Bedroom! NOW!" He dragged her towards the room, Carole, her arms and legs flailing, was powerless to stop him. He  pushed her on to the bed and then crawled over her, pinning her hands over her head. "Did you have sex with that man today?"

Carole shook her head. 


"I am telling you the truth."

He began to kiss her. "I'm sorry. I was scared. I don't want to loose you!" He kissed her more. She struggled against him, begging to be released. "I want to make love to you Carole. I want to show you I'm sorry! I love you."

"No Ben...I don't want to ...please." 

She struggled against him once more but he persisted. In the end, all fight gone. she simply lay there and let him do what he wanted. 

Afterwards she locked herself in the bathroom and soaked her aching body in hot water.  After several hours, the water now freezing cold, she climbed out and wrapped herself in a towel. She unlocked the door as silently as possible but was surprised to find that Ben wasn't in the bed. Throwing on some pyjamas, she crept through the rest of the flat. There was no sign of him. He had left her alone. She hurried to the door and checked it was locked. Then she slipped the dead lock on which prevent Ben from getting back into the flat without her knowledge.

Terrified Ben could still appear from somewhere, she crept back to bed and slipped under the cover. She began to shake as the adrenaline coursed through her body. 

Carole awoke suddenly and was immediately alert. Something had woken her but she wasn't sure what. She listened carefully but everywhere seemed quiet. She moved towards the bedroom door, intending to check the rest of the flat but the sound of voices in the street outside sent her scurrying back into the bedroom. She listened again....her imagination running away with itself and Carole was terrified. More voices from outside increased her terror. She reached for the phone and dialed a number. It rang and rang.....and then, just as she was about to hang up, it was finally answered.

"Hello." The voice was sleepy and quiet. 


"Hello...who is this?"


"Help me." 

"Who is this?" 

Carole heard concern in the voice. 




"Do you need help?"


"I'm on my way."

The line went dead, leaving Carole in floods of tears as she hugged the phone.


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