Part 22 - Aftermath.

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"You're a very lucky woman." the young doctor told her as he continued his examination.

Carole nodded slowly. "I was all my fault. I was rushing -  just ran out. ARGH!"

The doctor paused. "Would you like to tell me where that hurts? Then I won't make it worse?"

Carole grimaced. "My ribs ...." 

"We need x-rays." the doctor smiled at her, "I suspect a broken rib or two and that wrist is definately broken. You rest here whilst we get things organised. I'll got a nurse to give you some pain relief too."

"Thank you." Carole tried to relax despite the pain in her ribs. She felt such a fool! In her desperation to get away from anything linked to Ritchie, she'd run into the path of a van. Luckily it hadn't been going too fast. All the same...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a nurse bringing her some pain relief. After taking them she sat back and waited.

"I need to take some personal details for our hospital records please," the nurse began to fill in pages of questions, ".....and finally, is there someone we need to contact for tell them you're here?"

Carole shook her head slightly. "There's no one. My family all live in Liverpool. I'm in London on my own."


Carole hesitated. "There's one yes." She gave the nurse the details for Cynthia then lay back and closed her eyes.

Jane approached the reception desk.  "Hello," she said politely, "I've had a call that a friend of mine was admitted last night. Could you tell me where she is please?"

After bring given appropriate directions both her and Cyn set off for the ward. Spotting Carole, they approached her bed.

"Hi Carole." Cynthia's voice was calm and quiet. She watched as her friends eyes fluttered open.

"Hello!" She smiled at them both, "I'm sorry about disturbing you. The hospital insisted that they had a contact."

"It's not a problem!" said Jane, "We're more interested in what's happened to you!"

Carole described what happened on her way home, again stating it was her own fault.

"But why did you leave?" Jane exclaimed, "You said you were going to stay the night! I don't understand!"

"I just needed to go home!"

"Carole," said Cynthia quietly, "Did something happen last night? At the party?"

Carole didn't reply.

"It's RItchie isn't it?!" said Cyn suddenly. "Did something happen between you and Ritchie?"

Sighing, Carole  nodded. "If you must know, he ended our relationship properly. He's met another girl!"

"But who?..." Cynthia interrupted.

 "And I don't want to talk about it! Please!" Carole turned away, fighting back tears.

Jane approached the bed and took Carole's hand in hers. "Have they said how long you'll be in hospital Carole?"

Carole looked at Jane. "Couple of weeks. They say I've broken some ribs so won't let me go till they know I can look after myself safely."

"You could stay with Paul and I," said Jane, "I'll be able to help you....and Dot."

Carole shook her head. "Thanks for the offer Jane - but no."

"Why?" Jane looked hurt.

"I can't stay with either of you," said Carole sadly, "Because I can't risk meeting up with Ritchie....especially if he does have a new girlfriend already! I couldn't..." Her eyes filled with tears.

Jane and Cynthia looked at her. They understood their friends sadness but, at the same time, they so wanted to help her.

"There's some thing else too" said Carole through her tears, "I can't be friends with either of you anymore!"

"What!" Cynthia was stunned, "!"

"What choice do I have?" Carole was sobbing now, "Everything we share as friends is tied up with The Beatles. Now Ritchie and I are finished, I don't fit in that world anymore!"

"But Carole, we can still meet up without the lads!" Jane insisted, "We all get on great without them!"

Carole shook her head and continued to cry. "And Ritchie's new girlfriend? How are you going to help her fit into the group if you're still friends with me? It won't work!" She wiped her face, "Thank you for your friendship, both of you, but it has to end now!"

"Carole, look...." Cynthia began.

"NO! It ends now....please leave!" Carole pressed the call button at the side of her bed. A nurse appeared. "Please make these people go away," she sobbed, "they're making me feel stressed and upset!"

Having no other choice, Jane and Cynthia collected their belongings and left.

Two weeks later, ribs feeling much better but her left hand still in a cast, Carole let herself into her flat. It was dusty and stuffy, having been locked up for so long.  The contents of her fridge were moldy and smelly and the plate and cup she had left before heading to Jane's party, had grown an impressive fungus. Carole opened the windows to let some air in and tipped the smelly moldy food and plates into the dustbin. After giving the place a quick clean and vacuum, she finally sat down, tired and achy! She flicked on the TV. only to be  greeted by the early evening news. The Beatles were a press conference about something. Carole  immediately flicked it off.

Lying down on her sofa, she pulled the soft throw over herself, and sobbed into a cushion until, exhausted, she fell asleep.

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