Part 14- The Summer of '65.

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Carole looked at the newspaper and smiled. There was a picture of herself and Ritchie walking down the street towards the Abbey Road studios. They'd been stopped by a couple of fans and Ritchie was signing an autograph. She was getting used to finding her face, either with Ritchie or one her own, in the press. She was now known as the 'steady girlfriend of Beatle Ringo Starr.' The press and fans were generally nice about her and she tried to remain polite with them. She'd had a hard time once it was revealed that she was married. Once her divorce was finalised, she was described as 'divorcee Carole Blackburn' for a while. That hadn't lasted long though. Ritchie had continued to support and defend her through the decidedly negative attitudes of both press and fans. However, the advice of the other Beatles to just 'ride the storm' had been right. Now she was back to being the 'long term girlfriend of Beatle Ringo Starr.' The phrase 'long term' made Carole think. She had been with Ritchie for almost two years. She was happy and so was he.

The Beatles were due to complete a two week tour of America in August. Carole wasn't going with Ritchie because she was now working in a small gallery in the centre of London and was unable to get time off. She hadn't minded too much though. Touring was horrible and Ritchie was usually too tired for them to spend quality time together! Plus two weeks would soon pass anyway and the reunion would be something special!! Shortly before the lads were due to leave, Carole received a call from Cynthia. Apparently she and John had planned a weekend to themselves but their babysitter for Julian was ill. Rather than cancel their plans, Cynthia asked if she would be willing to look after Julian for the weekend. After discussing the idea with Ritchie, who agreed, it was all arranged. Three year old Julian was dropped off by John on the Friday morning. Julian greeted Uncle Ringo and Auntie Carole with great enthusiasm. He was, said John, incredibly excited to be spending time with the couple. After a short chat John gave his young son a hug and left.

Carole, the eldest of seven children, was used to looking after small children. She had planned a trip to the zoo. Ritchie, slightly disguised with a wide brimmed hat and sun glasses, came too. The day was filled with excitement, ice creams and a very happy child. Nobody recognized them either! After treating the little boy to a toy kangaroo in the zoo gift shop, they headed home. Bath time was, to Julian, an excuse to drown Uncle Ringo! Carole laughed helplessly when she saw how he was probably more wet than the little boy. A bedtime story later, the little boy slept all night! A similar course of events followed the next day and night. John came to pick up Julian on the Monday morning. Both Carole and Ringo, having enjoyed the little boys company so much, were sad to see him go.

"Fancy a cuppa?" Carole asked as they wandered back into the living room after waving John and Julian off.

"Sure. Thanks love."

Carole stood in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil when she felt Ritchie snake his arms around her waist then kiss her neck. She turned to him, smiling and the couple kissed passionately.

"You were amazing with Julian love, do you know that?" he commented.

Carole smiled. "He's a good kid Ritchie."

"I know, but you were so good with him. When he was tired and stuff, you knew what to do to avoid a tantrum!"

"The joys of being the eldest in a large family Ritchie!" She laughed and kissed him again, "I was always babysitting!"

He nodded. "I suppose that's something, as an only child, I missed out on." He commented wistfully.

Carole nodded. She was surprised at Ritchie's remark. He generally said he'd had a happy childhood. This was the first time he'd ever expressed regrets about any part of it! He kissed her then looked into her face, studying her.

"You OK Ritchie love?" Carole was concerned.

He nodded. "I was thinking that it's time I seriously thought about settling down properly. Putting down roots."


He nodded. "Mmmm. When I come back from America, how would you feel if we looked for a house for us? Move from this flat to somewhere bigger with a nice garden."

Carole looked surprised. "Bigger? Why bigger Ritchie? We've got more than enough space for the two of us here love!"

"I know we have space for two Carole but..." he gave her a soft smile, "I was hoping that we'd need more space one day. Maybe once there isn't just two of us anymore. And a garden would make a lovely playground." He stopped and kissed her. "Carole Blackburn, I love you so much. Will you consider marrying me and becoming my wife?"

Carole stared at him in astonishment. "This is a bit sudden isn't it Ritchie?"

"You think?"

She nodded.

"This weekend with Julian got me thinking baby. This is going to be the last Beatles tour. I want to settle down properly love. You beside me, as my wife. Building our own future with our own family! Seeing you with Julian, anyone can see that you'd been an amazing mum!"

She was speechless. "I...I don't ... don't know what to say Ritchie?" she stuttered, "After Bobby I've never considered getting married again, never mind having children!"

He nodded, remembering the stories she had told him about her marriage. Her reaction was understandable. "Then, my love, will you promise me something?"

"Go on?"

"Promise me that whilst I'm away for the next couple of weeks, you'll think about what I've asked. I know it's a big step and seems sudden but I think the time is right for you and me. I love you Carole. Please?"

She nodded. "Of course I'll think about it all Ritchie. I love you too."

Satisfied, he put his arms around her, and kissed her deeply. "Now then," he whispered, "How about you and I go back to bed? I so want to make love to you as much as I can before I leave for America!"

Carole smiled. "What a wonderful idea! After all, two weeks is a long time not to have you in my bed!"

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