Part 30 - Ultimatum.

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Carole walked into the kitchen. After dropping her bag in the corner, she sat down heavily.

"What was all that about?" Ben asked, "Where did you meet him?"

Carole looked up, surprised. "Ritchie? I didn't meet him anywhere! He just appeared as I was going to open the door."

Ben nodded without saying anything. He left the room.


He didn't reply.

Carole got up and followed him. "Ben? Ben, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He was short with her, a stark contrast to his usual loving self.

"Ben, I didn't plan on meeting Ritchie tonight."


"You do believe me, don't you?"

Ben looked at her and shrugged. "You're a grown adult. You can meet who you want!"

"But I didn't arrange anything!"

"Fine," He started to get undressed, "I'm going to bed. I'm tired."

Carole watched as he undressed  then climb into bed. He said a curt good night, rolled over away from her then turned the light off. Having no other choice, Carole swiftly undressed and climbed into bed beside him. She reached out to him. 

"Ben," she whispered, her hand moving down his body. "Ben, talk to me love."

"DON'T!" She felt him grab her hand. "Let me go to sleep." He pushed her hand away.

Shocked, she shrank back from him, hurt that he had spurned her advances to make love. For several hours she lay in the darkness, hearing Ben's soft snoring. She wondered what to do. What had Ritchie wanted? She hoped he wasn't back to cause trouble for her and Ben. Eventually, exhausted, she fell asleep.

When Carole awoke the next morning, she was alone. 

"Ben!" she called.

No answer.  Sighing, she climbed out of bed and padded into the kitchen. Ben was sat at the table, staring into the distance.

"Ben?" She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

He jumped then turned to her. He nodded. "I'm fine."

Carole moved to the kettle, his manner still unnerving her. "Do you want a drink?"

"No." Then, after a split second hesitation, he muttered "Thanks."

She sat down opposite him. "How are you today Ben love?"

Their was a pause then he looked at her. "I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you should meet Ritchie. Find out what he wants once and for all!"

Carole looked at him in disbelief. "Is that what all this silent treatment is about, Ben? Ritchie?"

He didn't reply. 

"IS IT?"

She watched as he nodded.

"WHY?" She looked sad, "Ben, he means nothing to me! I love you!"

Ben shook his head. "He makes me uneasy. He's obsessed with you!" He looked as she shook her head, "He is! And you didn't even tell me you'd had a relationship with him! It worries me."

"So?" Carole was exasperated now, "You knew I'd had a bad experience with a relationship a few years before I met you! You knew how scared I was about getting involved again! That was Ritchie! He destroyed my confidence in myself Ben! You helped me get that back! Not him! YOU!"

"So why has he just reappeared? Did you contact him?"

"NO! Why would I? What reason would I have for doing that?" She began to feel angry. "Apparently he was at the bar but I didn't see him there. did you? He said he saw me leave without you and followed me back here! He scared me to death when he approached me!"

"You didn't know he was there?"


Ben stared at her for a moment. If nothing else, he knew Carole was always truthful. He stood up and went to her. He held his hand to her and she took it. After standing up he pulled her close and kissed her deeply.

"I don't want to loose you Carole Blackburn."

She wrapped her arms around him. "You're not going to loose me. I'm not going anywhere!"

"But with Ritchie back on the scene, I'm not so sure."

Carole let go of him and stepped back, shocked. "You think I'd leave you for Ritchie?" Her voice held so much disbelief.

Ben looked away from her.

"Look at me Ben."

He didn't move.

"Look at me! Now!" She yelled at him. He looked up at last.

 "How dare you say that! I love you! I'm meant to be marrying you  in a few months!" She shook her head, tears pouring down her face, "What kind of marriage will we have if you think I'd rather be with Ritchie than you?!"

"I think that's a question only you can answer."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I need to know you have no feelings left for him."

"I DON'T!"

"I need to be sure! Prove it to me." Ben looked at her. "Meet him. Find out what he wants. If he wants you to do something for him then agree."


"Scared it will show you that you still love him?"

"I love you, not him."

"Then will you do what I want?" Ben stared at her, "Find out once and for all if you feel anything for him anymore. For me. Then, if you're sure, we can get married as planned."

"Does it matter so much to you?"


"Ok." said Carole, resigned to that act she really had no choice. "I'll do it to prove to you that it's you I love."

For the first time that morning Ben smiled. "Thank you." He then kissed her on the forehead. "I'm off for a shower. See you in a minute." 

She watched him go off to the bathroom. His behaviour baffled her... and frightened her. This wasn't the calm loving rational man she knew.

She sat down suddenly and sobbed into her hands, cursing Richard Starkey and wishing she had never met him!

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