Part 7 - Invitation.

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George and Ringo were worried. Carole seemed very quiet, distant. Her usual bright cheery manner had vanished. Was she regretting taking the job? Between themselves, they argued who should talk to her but neither of them felt brave enough. During a break in recording on day, Ringo raised the question with Paul. After all, it had been him who had suggested the job to her. Reluctantly, not sure of the best way to handle the situation, he agreed to talk to her.

His opportunity came a few days later. Jane had been offered a role in a stage play after the lead actress had fallen ill. Normally this wasn't a problem except she was meant to be Paul's date for the premier of A Hard Days Night on the same evening. He decided to use the opportunity to speak to Carole whilst inviting her to take Jane's place. Knowing the lads were out, he knocked on the door of the flat.

"Paul?" She looked surprised. "George and Ringo are out. I thought they were with you!"

"No. I decided I didn't want to go." he told her, "They were heading to a club...I'm too tired so I thought and pop round and see you."

She stood to one side and let him in. "Fancy a brew?"

"Please!" Paul grinned, "You can read my mind Carole!"

She gave him a slight smile in return and lead him towards the kitchen. He sat down whilst Carole busied herself with the tea. After placing a full teapot and some biscuits on the table, she sat down with him. He could see immediately that she had lost her previous sparkle.

"How's things Carole love?" he asked gently, "The lads not causing you too much work are they? I know they can be scruffy swines! I've lived with them remember!"

She shook her head. "No, they're fine." she replied, "They're nice blokes and we have a laugh."

Paul looked at her again, catching her eye. "You're sure? If you don't mind me saying Carole love, you don't look so good at the minute. The lads, they're worried about you."

Carole turned away, tears springing into her eyes. She stood up quickly and made to clear the table. Paul reached out and took her hand.

"Please Carole love, if there's something wrong, maybe I can help? Or maybe Cyn if you'd rather talk to a woman?"

"I'm OK Paul." She muttered, snatching her hand back. She turned her back on him and after placing the cups in the sink, turned the tap on. The sound of the water covering the sound of her tears. Feeling Paul's hand on her shoulder caused her to jump.


The concern in his voice made her turn round and she sobbed onto his chest. Bewildered, he put his arms around her and let her cry, trying desperately to think of something appropriate to say. Suddenly she moved away.


"You don't have to say sorry Carole. Like I said, the lads are worried about you, as am I. What's wrong love?" He lead her back to the table and she sat down again. He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "Can I help?"

"Not really," she replied, giving him a watery smile, "My baby ... you know I was expecting?"

Paul nodded.

"My baby was due to be born this week." She began to cry again, " I know that loosing my baby meant I got away from Bobby but..." She told him about her day out with Cynthia and Julian. " reminded so much of what I am missing out on because of HIM! Bobby!" Tears rolled down her face. "It's been in my mind a lot that's all. I'm OK otherwise. Sorry."

Paul hugged her. "Oh Carole, no wonder you've been upset! I can't imagine what you've been going through!"

She hugged him back. "I'll get over it in time but the lads will just have to put up with me being a bit quiet. I'll explain when I see them tomorrow morning."

"No...don't. I'll speak to them. I won't go into details, just reassure them you're OK."

"Thanks Paul." She smiled at him, "Jane's a lucky girl. I wish Bobby had been like you!"

He blushed. "You'll meet someone special one day love. Someone who appreciates how lovely you are and then you'll go on to have a whole hoard of babies. I bet you'll be an amazing mum!" He hugged her again. They stood together for a moment, just two friends.

Carole moved away and wiped her face with a white handkerchief. "Thanks Paul."

He grinned. "You don't need to thank me..." He paused. "Carole, I know this isn't the best time to ask you this but if you say yes you'll need time to get sorted so..."

"What are you talking about Paul?"

"Next Friday is the film premier."

She nodded. "The lads have said."

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me? As my date for the night?"

"Me?" She looked surprised, "What about Jane?"

"Well, that's part of the problem." said Paul, "She's working. A last minute job offer that's too good to miss. So I thought about asking you. We're mates and you know all us lads and Cyn'll be there with John. We'd have a laugh!"

"You think?" Carole looked unsure, "What about Jane though? How does she feel about you asking me?"

"I mentioned it and she thought it was a good idea." He smiled at her, "Go on Carole...what do you think? A chance to dress up for the night and party. Do you good?!"

"Can I sleep on it?" she replied, "Let you know tomorrow?"

"Sure. Look, there's no pressure. If you don't want to then..."

"No, No it's not that Paul. I'm just not in the right frame of mind to decide at the moment."

He hugged her again. "It's OK. Let me know tomorrow then. You've got my number?"

She nodded.

He kissed her on the cheek. "Let me know OK? Cyn's coming I into town on Monday to buy an outfit. You could go shopping with her...I'll pay by the way!" He gave her one last hug then left.

Carole watched him gambol down the stairs from the flat like a deer. He gave her a final wave then got into his car and drove off. She slowly closed the door and, despite the sadness she was feeling, she couldn't help but smile at Paul and his kindness. He really was a lovely man.

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