Part 8 - A Hard Days Night.

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Carole cast one last glance in the mirror before picking up her handbag. She stepped from her room and walked to the living room where George and RIngo were waiting for her. 

"You both look very smart gentlemen." she said as she entered the room.

Ringo turned to her. "WOW! Is that really you Carole? You look absolutely gorgeous!"

Carole blushed. "Thank you! You look lovely too."

"What about me?" George popped his head from the kitchen, sandwich in hand.

Carole laughed. "Very handsome Mr Harrison but the crumbs spoil the look!" She laughed as George looked down on himself, spotting the crumbs which he hurriedly brushed away.

"Cars here!" called Ringo from his place by the window. He turned to Carole and offered his arm. "Would madam like me to escort her to the car?" He bowed, grinning at her.

"Why thank you kind sir!" She replied, linking him and laughing.

The journey to the Pavillion Theatre was short in length but their car was held up by the massive crowds all hoping for a glimpse The Beatles. Carole shrank back in her seat between George and Ringo and tried to hide. The shouting and screaming terrified her.

"Is it always like this?" she asked, her eyes wide in fear.

"Yeah!" said George grimly, "Hope you can run in those shoes Carole!"

They managed to get into the theatre safely. Paul was waiting for Carole. He complimented her on her outfit and then blushed deeply when he showed her a very pretty coursage and asked if he could pin it to her dress. Cynthia was close by, holding hands with John, looking nervous.

"You look gorgeous!" Cyn whispered.

"Thanks!" Carole whispered back nervously, "So do you! What happens now, do you know? I'm so nervous!"

"Brian said that the lads will go  and do the press thing then we'll go in and watch the film itself. We wait for them in the bar apparently!" Cynthia squeezed her hand reassuringly, and I'm nervous too!"

Carole nodded nervously and looked at all the pother people milling round. Many she recognised from television... it all felt so unreal! Paul appeared and handed Carole a glass.

"What is it?" she asked him timidly, "I don't usually drink."

"It's just champagne Carole love. Just sip it. You'll like it!"

Before she had chance to reply he was gone again. Her eyes followed him. He looked incredibly handsome in his dinner suit ...more  handsome than usual !! He was working his way around the room, charming everyone! Carole watched as he greeted his brother Michael and dad Jim. Paul waved her to join them which she did, grateful for not being on her own again. Moments later Cynthia joined them as the lads were whisked away to their prearranged press conference.

A couple of hours later the film was over. Carole, having been sat between Paul and Cyn, had enjoyed it and, now more relaxed,  was looking forward to the party afterwards. First was a sit down meal. Carole found herself sat next to Paul once more. Photos were taken and questions thrown at Paul as to where Jane was and who the new lady was. As agreed, she was passed off as a cousin visiting from Liverpool. Sat opposite her was John, Cyn Ringo and George. The food was delicicous and the champagne flowed generously! By the time Paul lead her onto the dance floor, she was tipsy and happy!

After two dances with Paul, he passed her over to his brother Mike, much to her disappointment. She liked Mike and knew him well but had wanted to stay close with Paul. After their dance, Mike got them both a drink and they sat and talked for a while, catching up. He'd met someone he told her. She seemed special. Carole was pleased for him. He'd been a nice lad when they'd dated as teenagers and now, just 22, he had grown into an equally nice Paul she mused, just not as good looking. Miked excused himself after a while and went to join his dad and aunties. Carole looked around for the lads...namely Paul. John and Cyn were together in a secluded corner. George was chatting to a pretty woman he'd met whilst filming  Ringo was at the bar laughing with two other men she didn't recognise. Finally she spotted Paul. He was on the dance floor with a very pretty girl, Carole all but forgotten. She watched as they danced together. His hands were all over her. He then whispered something to the girl who nodded and the pair tiptoed away.  It didn't need the brains of a genius to work out what was in the whisper!!  Seeing him go off made Carole feel miserable. He had given the impression he quite liked her ...clearly not as much as she'd though!

"Hi!" A quiet voice interrupted her thought. "That's a sad face."

She looked up to find Ringo looking at her. "Hi. My date for the evening has ditched me." She gave a slight smile.

Ringo nodded. "Don't take it personally Carole love. That's Paul. If Janes' not around, he goes on the prowl for someone else. Guaranteed!"

Carole looked at him surprised. "Seriously?"

Ringo sat down next to her and handed her a drink. "Yes! It's easy to be fooled by our Paul. He's good looking, charming yes, but faithful, no."

Carole sipped her drink and stared awkwardly at her feet.

"You OK Carole love?"

She looked up at him and shook her head. "I want to go home." she whispered.

He smiled at her. "Me too ...fancy sharing a taxi?"

Once back at the flat Ringo changed his clothes whilst Carole put the kettle on. He returned a few minutes later, pyjama clad, making Carole laugh.

"You look really comfy!" she said enviously.

"Go and get changed then," he told her grinning, "I'll do some toast!"

By the time returned Ringo has moved to the sitting room with a pot of tea and a pile of toast. He patted the seat beside him and Carole joined in. They talked about the evening for a while. Ringo told her about George and the girl he fancied. Then the two some sat quietly together. Carole yawned, it was late.

Ringo laughed. "Boring you then?"

"Oh Ritchie, No! I'm so sorry! I'm tired!" she apologised.  "You're never boring!"

He changed his position and looked at her. "You don't think I'm boring then?" he asked, looking serious now.

Carole laughed at his seriousness. "No! I've just told you! You're a lovely bloke and good fun to be with!"

He studied her face for a moment, saying nothing. Carole grew concerned


He continued to stare at her.

"Ritchie please? What's wrong? What have I said?"

"Nothing. You haven't said anything." He smiled softly, "I'm glad you think I'm a lovely bloke Carole."

She smiled back. "Good!"

"I'm glad because I think you're a lovely woman."

"Wh...?" Carole stammered then stopped.

He took her hand. "You're a lovely woman Carole and very gorgeous! Would you consider going out with me sometime? Just me and you? On a date?"

Carole stared at him in surprise. "A date?"

He nodded.

"I'd...I'd love to Ritchie....thank you for asking me."

"Good!" He looked pleased. "I've been trying to pluck up the courage to ask you out for a while!" he admitted, then leaned over a kissed her softly! 


Carole - Now Complete!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora