Part 32 - Lunch.

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Carole looked at him in surprise then grinned. "I'd love to have lunch with you!" She told him, inviting him back into the flat, " Can you wait a few minutes whilst I make myself a little presentable? I don't want to go out in my ironing clothes!"

"No problem!"

Ritchie went into the living room to wait. He looked around as he waited. The room made him smile. Carole had a flair for making somewhere comfortable and homely. It reminded him of the flat that they had once shared...

"Ready!" Carole interrupted his thoughts. "Will I do?"

Ritchie took in the pretty floral summer dress which flattered her slim figure. She wore very little make up and had put her hair into a simple pony tail. Her legs were bare with neat white sandals.

"You look lovely!" He smiled at her then held out his hand. She took it and let him lead her out into the street. "Where would you like to eat?" He asked.

"You decide!"

"OK!" He opened the car door for her and she climbed in. Moments later he sat next to her and started the engine. 

Carole looked out of the window, suddenly feeling shy. It was nice being so physically close to Ritchie but, at the same time, it felt too intimate. She wondered what Ben would say if he knew what she was doing?  She immediately dismissed that thought....Ben had told her to find out what Ritchie wanted so why shouldn't she have fun whilst she was doing that?

"You're quiet."

Carole turned and smiled. "Just thinking how strange yet familiar it feels being in a car like this with you!"

He grinned. "I know what you mean. Anyway, we're here!"


Ritchie nodded.

"I haven't been here since...." Her voice tailed off.

"You don't mind coming here do you?"

"No! Is the food still as lovely?"

"Let's go and find out shall we?"

Nodding, she climbed out of the car, took his hand once more and went into the restaurant. 

"How's your paella?" Ritchie asked.

"Delicious! Yours?"


Carole laughed. "Do you remember how we used to share each others meals when we couldn't decide what to order?"

"Yes, you'd eat half of yours and I'd eat half of mine then we'd swap!" Carole began to giggle as she helped herself to a forkful of his meal. "Do you want to swap then?" he asked, tutting at her.

"Sorry!" She grinned at him, "I'll behave!" Carole poured them both a glass of iced water. and raised her glass. "Cheers! And thanks for this. It's lovely."

Ritchie clinked glasses with her. "Thank you for agreeing to come."

A waiter came and took away their plates. They ordered dessert and continued to chat whilst they waited.

"Do you see anything of Paul or the others now Ritchie?"

He grimaced. "George I see quite regularly. John not so much since he moved to the US."

"And Paul?"

"I seen him a few times. He's doing well for himself and is happily married." He smiled at her, "You know he and Jane split in the end don't you?"

Carole nodded. "I remember seeing the fuss when Paul got married in 1969."

"Yeah...his wife's OK. Keeps Paul happy and they've got three little girls now."

"Three! Gosh, I couldn't imagine Paul with children!"

"He's good with kids Paul. He always was."

"So what are you doing these days?"

"Me?" Ritchie shrugged, "Because of the booze, not a lot. After The Beatles split I kind of existed but didn't do anything properly. I was quite lost without the band and then my marriage problems started. At the moment I'm concentrating on my kids and staying dry. Once I've got settled and see the kids regularly then I'll look at doing something else.  The kids need to come first at the moment."

Carole nodded, not sure what to say.

"Anyway, tell me about you. What are you doing now?"

"I still work in the gallery but only part time now." she told him, "I work with Ben a lot because the bar is looking at being sold and we're considering buying into the business."

"So you'd run the place together?"

She nodded.

"Long hours in bar work though." he commented.

"I know but working together will be nice hopefully."

"Hopefully? Are you happy with Ben?"

She looked down at her hands for a moment. "Ritchie, can I be honest with you?"

He looked surprised.  "You know you can."

"Ritchie, Ben is finding you just turning up in my life difficult."


"I never told him that you and I were a couple. You did. Since then he's been... I don't know if jealous is the word, but he worries that I'll go off with you....leave him."

He nodded.

"He's becoming.... quite...unpleasant about it."

"Unpleasant? He's not hurting you is he?" Ritchie looked angry.

"No, I don't mean that but...." She stopped and looked at him, "I'm glad that you're life is back on track and I'm glad we can talk and be friendly again but ..."

"You don't want me interfering in your life?"


Ritchie looked at her. "Can I just ask one thing Carole. Just one thing that worries me?"

She nodded.

"When I first met you, you had just escaped a marriage to one controlling violent man. Is this not what is happening again with Ben?"

"Ben isn't violent!" Carole was indignant.

"Maybe not yet Carole," He shook his head sadly, "But if you're willing to let him dictate what you do and who you talk to now, once you're married, how long will it be before the violence starts?"

Carole stood up, "Get out of my life and stay out!" 

She ran from the restaurant just as the waiter arrived with their dessert.

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