Part 37- 1976.

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1976 Three Years Later.

Ritchie checked his watch. The viewing was in half an hour, he had plenty of time to walk there. Wearing his cap, dark glasses and beard, he was able to walk around town now virtually unrecognised. Occasionally he would see people stop and if debating if it was him or not! It amused him greatly as he always managed to escaped before they plucked up the confidence to ask. Turning the corner, he looked up and down the tree lined street. He liked was quiet with well kept houses and large tidy gardens front and back. Ideal for the kids! He looked at the door numbers. The house he was interested in was at the end of the cul-de-sac.

As he approached the house, he saw the door was ajar so he just walk in. It was an open viewing. According to the brochure a rep from the estate agency was waiting to greet people. He entered the impressive hallway, clearly well cared for and the current owners had spent a lot of money on decor and carpets. He entered the first room, which the brochure described as the 'drawing room.' He was immediately impressed. The next room was clearly set out as a dining room but he imagined it as a playroom for when the kids stayed over. He began to feel excited! This would be an amazing home! Home. The word sounded nice. Since his divorce, he'd been in the flat but it was hard with three kids. He needed much more room and somewhere for them to play. This would be ideal! There were even enough bedrooms for the nanny to come too if he ever needed her! He wanted this house, all he needed to do now was find the rep and go from there.

He heard her voice, soft and calm. Then he saw her and froze. Her hair fell in soft curls down her back, much longer than he remembered. It was kept free from her face by a black headband which matched the smart trouser suit worn with a floral blouse. She was beautiful and she took his breath away.

"Good morning sir."

He looked up, she was talking to him now, the previous viewer having left the room. He nodded politely.

"Have you seen the brochure for this wonderful property. It would make a simply stunning family home!"

"Yes, thank you" He slowly walked over to her, "Has there been much interest?"

"Well sir, today is...." She stopped and looked at him. "Ritchie?"

He removed his dark glasses and grinned at her. "You got me! The only person today to recognise me!" He leaned forward and kissed her cheek and she hugged him, "How are you Carole? You are looking even more fabulous than ever!"

"I'm great thanks!" She let him go, "You're not looking so bad yourself! What are you doing here?"

"Buying the house hopefully! I need somewhere bigger so that I've got more room when the kids stay! This place is ideal."

"Well if you want to make an offer, I'm the rep!" Carole glanced at her watch, "Right, that's the viewing hour up so I can lock up now. Have you seen the whole house?"

"I have thanks." He looked at her curiously. "So you work for the estate agency?"

"Yes...I've been with them for almost two years. I love it!" She smiled at him, "Ritchie, it's my lunch time now. If you're not too busy, you're welcome to join me."

"That would be lovely! Thank you! It would be great to catch up!"

"Well Max and I only live in the next road from here." she told him, "so I walked."


She smiled. "Yes...the love of my life! We've been together now for just over a year. He's funny, good company and keeps me warm at night!"

Ritchie felt his heart plummet. She was spoken for once more. It was no surprise for she was a very beautiful woman...

"Would you like to meet him?" Carole interrupted his thoughts.

"He's here?"

Carole nodded. "Yes, he acts as my security when I do open viewings. Was there anyone in the front room when you came in?"

Ritchie shook his head.

"Then he's probably in the garden. I'll give him a shout.

Ritchie watched as she left the room and then shouted the name 'Max' a couple of times. He listened as she laughed.

"Hello gorgeous!" He heard he say, "Thank you for keeping me safe! Anyway, there's someone i want you to meet."

She returned to the room, accompanied by a large German Shepherd dog. He looked intimidating except for a long panting tongue and the waggiest tail he'd ever seen.

"Ritchie, this is Max. Max, this is Ritchie. Say hello boy!" 

The dog, still panting, sat down and offered Ritchie a paw. Ritchie, although not a great fan of dogs, was so relieved that Max wasn't a human, shook the dog's paw politely! Carole laughed! Clipping a lead onto the dog's collar, they threesome headed to the door. Carole locked up and then completed the short walk to Carole's home.

Ritchie stopped at the front of her neat terraced house and smiled. "What a beautiful place Carole!"

"Thank you!" She grinned, "I love it and it's mine!"

"Who does the garden? It's very pretty!"

"Me and Max! I plant and he digs things up, don't you boy?" She unlocked the door and let Max go in. "After you." she gestured to Ritchie, "Go through. Living room on the right or go straight ahead if you want talk in the kitchen whilst I make lunch!"

He followed her instructions and want to the kitchen. A keen cook, Carole had a neat, well organised kitchen. Max, now refreshed from a drink of water, was now sat in his basket near the back door, his tail wagging as the pair came in. Ritchie sat at the table whilst Carole bustled about making sandwiches for them both. Finally, after placing the food and drink on the table, she sat opposite him.

"Tuck in!"

Ritchie smiled at the spread in front of him. "I will. Thank you!"

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