Part 19 - Hello again.

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"I think that maybe you and I need some time apart Carole." He told her softly, "I love you so much but I need space to think. I'm sorry."

Carole nodded. "I agree...." she smiled at him, "I expected it to be honest Ritchie. And I've already packed."

"Keep the car though," he urged, "You'll need it for work and stuff."

"Thank you."

She left him and returned to the bedroom. The bed was still a mess from their earlier love making. She stopped and looked around. So many memories were in this room. Fighting back tears, she collected two bags from the bottom of the wardrobe. She placed them in the hall then went to the living room where Ritchie was sat waiting.

"I'm ready."

He turned. She remained stood in the doorway. He stood up and walked over to her. She turned.


She turned back to face him.

"I love you. I love you with all my heart." He kissed her softly on the forehead. "And I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to go," she replied sadly, "But I need to. You need the space to think about what you really want in life. I love you so  much but I can't stop you from having the family you want."

He pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her. She responded initially then pulled away.

"No Ritchie! We both know where that will lead!! I need to go!" She turned hurriedly away from him. She grabbed her bags and opened the front door.

"Good bye Ritchie. Thank you for two amazing years. I'll always love you."

He nodded and watched her walk away.

Three Months Later.

Adjusting to life as the EX girlfriend of a Beatle hadn't easy. Carole found she was pestered by the press for several weeks as they were keen to know what had happened between the couple! She maintained a dignified silence, even when interrupted at work, remaining polite but refusing to give anything away. She had no desire to share her personal details with anyone plus she knew how important his privacy was to Ritchie. Thankfully, in the end, they gace up and left her alone.

She found a small ground floor flat, just off Abbey Road and within walking distance of Paul's house. Life then settled into a dull routine. Work, the flat, there were occasional times when she met up with Cyn or Jane, then more work.  Work wasn't a problem though. It helped her forget her sadness for a while at least. Financially, life was more difficult, so she worked much longer hours now. Jane and Cyn told her how Ritchie was too. He wasn't happy, being Ringo, remained stoically quiet. Carole had been pleased to hear that he'd also asked how she was at different times. It was nice to now he still least in some way. Other than that, their paths didn't cross.

Jane's twenty first birthday was fast approaching! She and Paul decided to hold a celebration just for friends...a family party was arranged for the following weekend. Carole was invited and after some cajoling, she agreed to show her face for  short time. The day before the party Carole had received a call from Jane telling her that Ritchie had decided not to come to the party. He was going to Liverpool to visit Harry and Elsie. Jane begged her to reconsider her original plans and to stay over night and enjoy the party.  Happier that  Ritchie wouldn't be there, she enthusiastically agreed!

The day of the party dawned. Carole had promised to go around to Cavendish Avenue mid afternoon to help with preparations. Paul had wanted to get a catering company involved but Jane, a good cook, wanted to do lots of the preparations herself. So the three of them...Carole, Jane and Paul's housekeeper Dot, spent to day finishing off food for the evening. 

Finally showered, made up and dressed up to the nines, they were ready. Jane had loaned Carole a stunning fitted mini dress in bright blue velvet. It hugged her slim figure and enhanced her curves. Paul's eyes popped up on stalks when he saw her, describing her as stunningly beautiful but very sexy. Carole had blushed fiercely and laughed off the compliment but at the same, she admitted to herself, it was nice to be told she looked good!

The party was a success! Carole found that meeting up with people she had once had as friends ( with Ritchie) was great! They had missed her as much as she had missed them! Dancing first with George and then John before sitting in a corner with Cyn and Brian. All three being slightly worse for wear, put the world to rights.

She didn't see him arrive. Paul saw him and took him to one side.

"You said you weren't coming tonight?" he hissed!

"Thanks!" Ritchie looked unimpressed, "Nice to see you too!"

"No, I don't mean that," said Paul, "But, Carole's here! We don't want anything awkward for either of you."

He spotted her, in the corner laughing. She looked stunning, soft chestnut curls contrasting against the blue of her dress. And what a dress! Ritchie's eyes stayed on Carole. "There won't be any trouble mate. I promise." He patted Paul on the arm and approached Carole, Cyn and Brian.

"Excuse me for interrupting," he said to them. Conversation stopped and the three looked up at him. "I was wondering if I could ask Carole to dance?"

Brian and Cynthia looked at Carole. Cynthia raised an eyebrow, silently asking what to do now.

Carole, emboldened by alcohol and her good mood stood up. "I'd love to dance Ritchie. Thank you."

Ritchie nodded and offered her his hand. She accepted it and let him lead her to where people were dancing. The music was loud and fast, making it difficult to talk but Ritchie had always been a great dancer and she was soon swept along with him. The music changed to something quieter, softer. Carole said thanks to him and made to move away. Ritchie caught her hand.

"Dance with me again Carole. Please?"

Nodding, she smiled and allowed him to take her into his arms. They danced a slow, close dance but were able to talk as they did so. As the song came to an end, he kept hold of her.

"Could you and I go somewhere quieter to talk? Please?" he asked her softly, looking into her eyes.

Those soft blue pools were so soft and inviting. 

She nodded.

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