Part 51 - The appointment

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Carole stood by the living room window waiting for Maureen to pick her up. 

"Still not here?" Ritchie came into the room, cup of coffee in hand.

"She rang about 5 minutes ago. She was just leaving the school after dropping Lee off."

He nodded. "How are you feeling love?"

She smiled softly. "Nervous but looking forward to getting started!" The sound of a cor horn peeped from the street. "That's Maureen! I need to grab my bag. Tell her I won't be long!"

Ritchie met Maureen on the driveway. "Carole's just getting her bag." He gave his former wife a hug. "Thanks for doing this love."

"It's not a problem. I'm glad Carole's giving it a go!"

Ritchie cast a quick glance back to the house. He pressed a piece of paper in to Maureen's hand. "I'm at Abbey Road with Paul. This is the number. Let me know when you're home....please?"

"Of course I will!".

"Look after her for me Maureen! She's important to me!"

Maureen gave his hand a squeeze. "I will. Don't worry. She'll be fine!"

"Hi Maureen" Carole came round to the car. She turned to her husband. "I'll see you later." She kissed him. "Love you!"

It was a short drive to the hospital. Maureen linked her friend. "Ready for this then?" she asked.

"As I'll ever be!" Carole laughed, "I just wish I wasn't quite so nervous!"

Once at the right department Carole approached the desk to report her arrival. A nurse checked her details and then took her into a side room.

"We will need a blood and a urine sample please."

Carole nodded  and slipped off her jacket then rolled up her sleeve.  She wandered back to Maureen.

"OK?" her friend asked.

Carole held up the small plastic pot and grinned. "Back in a minute!"

Maureen laughed then nodded. "I'll get us both a coffee."

Once back from the bathroom, Carole sat down next to Maureen once more. 

"What happens next?" Maureen asked her a few minutes later.

Carole took a sip from her coffee. "Not too sure, to be honest. The nurse who did the blood test said to just come and sit back here and they'd call me through when they were ready."

Maureen shuffled in her seat. "Might as well get comfy then!" She leaned over to Carole. "I love people watching in places like this. You know, wondering what they do, what kind of life they lead?"

"Nosey!" Carole whispered back, "You're just nosey!"

The pair sat and watched to room. People seemed to be coming and going but Carole wasn't called. 

"What time is it?" Carole asked suddenly.

Maureen glanced at her watch. "Quarter past eleven. Why?"

"Two people have go on before me even though my appointment was much earlier than theirs!" Carole looked puzzled. "I'm going to see what's going on."

She got up and approached the desk then explained to the nurse her concern. 

"If you take your seat Mrs Starkey and I will find doctor to see what is the cause of the delay."

Thanking her, Carole sat down again.


Carole shrugged. "Still don't know. The nurse said she'd speak to the doctor. I have to wait til she's done it."

It was a further twenty minutes before the nurse from the desk approached Carole and Maureen.

"Mrs Starkey?"

Carole nodded.

"The doctor is ready to see you now. Would you follow me please."

Carole stood up, suddenly anxious. "Come with me!" she whispered to Maureen.

Nodding, her friend stood up and followed her. Entering the room Carole found the same doctor as the one who had performed all the tests on her previous visit.

"Good morning Mrs Starkey," the doctor smiled, "I am so very sorry that you have been left waiting for so long."

"I thought I'd been forgotten!" Carole said nervously.

"No, not at all." The doctor tried to reassure her. "Right, first of all, I need to ask you some questions."

Carole nodded.

"Some of these are of a personal nature Mrs Starkey, are you happy to talk in front of your friend?"

Again she nodded. 

The questions seemed to go on forever. Her periods, menstral cycle and even how often her and Ritchie made love were all under scrutiny.

"Are all these questions necessary?" said Carole after a while, weary of it all.

"I'm afraid they are." The doctor looked serious. "Mrs Starkey, this morning we completed blood and urine screening. Something came up in both tests which could affect your suitability to be given the ovulation therapy."

"NO!" Carole was distraught, "Please! NO! You have to let me have the treatment!"

Maureen put her arm around her friend "Shhh. Let the doctor finish!"

"What I want to do Mrs Starkey, is take another blood sample and check it for myself. Then we will know for sure what we are dealing with."

Carole nodded. "How long will that take?"

"About an hour." The doctor told her. "I am so sorry that you have to go through further anxiety but I need to be certain that the Ovulation therapy is suitable for you."

The doctor took the blood sample to take them both to a side room. 

"What's going on," exclaimed Carole, as soon as they were alone. She was now in tears, walking up and down, anxious. "What am I going to do Maureen? What if they say I can't have the Ovulation therapy? Ritchie will be so disappointed!"

Maureen put her hands on her shoulders. "Come and sit down. Don't get stressed until you know what they're concerned about! Remember, the doctor said they think they've picked something up. They weren't certain!" She pulled Carole to her seat.

"They're going to say no to the treatment," said Carole sadly, "I just know they are!"

Carole sat, head in hands, saying nothing. Maureen had tried to talk to her but failed. The pair waited in silence. Suddenly the door opened. Carole's head shot up.


He smiled at her then came to sit in the chair her and Maureen. "I have the results of your tests."


"Firstly, I am afraid Mrs Starkey, that the tests have confirmed that you are no longer a suitable candidate for our Ovulation therapy however...."

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