Part 27 - Ben

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It was after 1pm that a very drunk Ritchie and a slightly merry Ben returned from the pub. Carole felt like screaming! She herded Ritchie into the living room and within minutes he was snoring on the sofa. Ben followed her into the kitchen.

"You're not mad at me for going for a drink are you my love?" He wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck softly.

She turned to face him, looking deeply into his brown eyes. "No ... no I'm not annoyed at you but...oh it doesn't matter! Are you hungry?"

"Only for you?" His kissed her deeply.

"You're drunk!"

"I'm not!" Ben laughed, "You know me, I can't drink more than 2 pints or I'm on the floor. I've only had two halves. That Ritchie can down it though!"

Carole nodded sadly. "He's an alcoholic Ben. I'm trying to sort out a way to help him. 

"Hey, come on, " Ben hugged her, "You can't save everybody! If Ritchie doesn't want help then you can't force him!"

"I suppose..."

Ben released her from his hug. Instead he took her hand and began to lead her from the room. "Time for bed." he whispered. Then, gesturing to the living room, he continued, "He'll be out of it for hours and I'm still waiting to celebrate New Year with the woman I love!"

Carole laughed and let him lead her to the bedroom. He undressed her slowly, planting soft kisses around her neck. Once naked he led her to the bed and pulled back the covers. He kissed her.

"Wait for me. I won't be long."

Watching him from the comfort and warmth of the bed, Ben undressed, imitating a stripper. Carole was in fits of laughter. He slid into bed beside her.

"Funny am I?"

"Yes, sorry!" She began to giggle more. 

"Terrible woman!" he exclaimed then began to kiss her.

They made love.

Ritchie lay on the sofa in the living room. Despite his alcohol fuelled fog, he could hear the couple together in bed. His thoughts drifted to the times he had shared with Carole. He could imagine her now, moving against the thrusts of her lover, pushing herself making him fill her. He closed his eyes, finding just the thoughts made him stiffen ever so slightly. He laughed to himself. He'd not managed to get it up for months now. The booze ruining that too. But Carole was different, she was a sexy passionate woman who had enjoyed sex... so different to Maureen. Suddenly he heard her voice call Ben's name...clearly reaching her climax then the couple were quiet. Ritchie closed his eyes and slept once more.

Carole and Ben lay snuggled up together alternately snoozing and chatting. 

"I'd better get up." said Ben reluctantly, "I'm due in work in another couple of hours."

"I thought because of last night, you get today off! I was looking forward to us being together!"

He turned to face her, kissing her on the forehead. "I was but someone's rung in sick. There's only me to cover! Fancy coming with me?"

Carole's face fell. "Oh Ben, would you mind if I didn't? I'm still dead tired. After everything last night, I didn't get to bed until gone four!"

He kissed her once more. "Of course not love. I'll do the shift then go to my flat so I don't disturb you."

"No! Don't do that!" Carole pleaded, "Jump a taxi back here. I can give you my spare key.  We can spend all tomorrow in bed together!"

"What about your house guest?"

"He'll be gone today." she said grimly, "You're right Ben. He doesn't want any help."

After waving him off, Carole, still in her dressing gown, walked through to the kitchen. Her intention was to clear up from their lunch then shower and dress herself. She stood at the sink, looking at the rainy January day as she washed up.

"He doesn't make you moan the way I did, does he?"

She jumped, dropping and smashing the cup she was washing. Angry, she turned around to find Ritchie smirking at her.

"Why did you creep up on me like that for? You scared me to death!"

He shrugged at her. "I heard you two...shagging." he said airily,  "He doesn't make you moan the way I did, does he?"

She blushed fiercely. "It's none of your business what Ben and I do!"

He walked towards her. "You're a sexy woman Carole. Funny, intelligent." He laughed, "Is Ben the best you can do? He's a bore and clearly no good for you in bed!"

"Ben's a good man. He loves me and I love him. My relationship with Ben has nothing to do with you!"

He stood in front of her and pulled her dressing gown open. She was naked underneath. He stroked her left breast with his fingers.


She slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me!"

He reached out to her again. "You used to love me playing with your tits. Especially when I sucked on your nipples with my hand in your underwear." He laughed when he heard her breathing quicken, "See, I can still excite you, can't I? Does Ben? I can't see it myself!" He stepped closer and tried to kiss her. She pushed him away.

"Touch me and I'll report you to the police!"  She screamed at him, "Get out of my house now!"

"You invited me in."

"I did because I foolishly cared about you! Look at you.... an old soak who doesn't care about anyone or anything but where your next drink is coming from. You don't care about your kids Ritchie!" She shook her head. " Go away! I don't want to see your face ever again. Drink yourself into an early grave! Ignore your kids. Carry on being selfish! Just go away!"

To her immense relief, he turned and walked towards the door. "I'll show you. I'll get my kids back....and you."

"In your dreams....all you're bothered about is booze, Go away!" She pushed him out of the door then slammed it behind him, relieved he was finally gone.

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