Part 2- The Meeting.

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The doctor approached her bed.

"Good morning Mrs Blackburn," he said, peering over his glasses, "And how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine thank you doctor." she replied meekly. This wasn't entirely true. The pain in her side was still there, especially if she walked around too much.

He studied the notes the matron had given him. "I think you are well enough to go home." 

"Am I?"

He nodded then turned to the matron.  "Yes. Could you sort out the papers and we can discharge Mrs Blackburn this morning."

"This morning!" Carole looked surprised, "I don't have any way of getting home! I've no money for a bus or anything!"

"Your husband?" the matron asked.

Carole went pale. She'd not seen anything of her so called husband for the two weeks she'd been in hospital. "He's..he's at work! He wouldn't be able to get time off at short notice!"

"Your parents?"

She shrugged helplessly. "I don't know how to get hold of them. They don't have a phone!"

"I'll see if I can get a message to your mother," said the matron, "In the mean time, I would like you to get up and dressed ready for discharge."

"Yes matron."

Once ready, Carole sat on the chair by the bed. Already she felt exhausted and all she'd done was get dressed! She hoped that the matron would be able to get a message to mum. Sh hoped her mum would come and get her. She waited for nearly an hour before the matron reappeared.

"We've contacted your mother Mrs Blackburn. She says she's looking after your grandfather, who is ill. You will need to make your own way home."

"But how? I've no money for the tram or bus!"

"I'm afraid that's not our concern Mrs Blackburn. You have now been discharged and must leave the hospital."

Nodding, Carole stood up and picked up the small bag of belongings. She thanked the matron then walked slowly out of the ward. 

By the time she reached the end of the corridor, she had to stop, already exhausted! She leaned against the wall and put her bag on the floor whilst she rested. After a few minutes she heard footsteps so hurriedly picked up her bag and began to walk. By the time she reached the hospital gates, the pain in her side had returned. She knew she had no other choice so she kept going, despite feeling ill. 

She reached the High Street. People bustled passed her, hurrying about their own business. By now she was completely drained. She looked longingly in the Lyons Tea room as she passed, wishing she had the money for a drink and to sit down. She carried on, aware that she was becoming more and more unsteady on her feet.


She vaguely looked around, uncertain of she really had heard someone call her name. She stumbled on. 

"Carole!" Someone touched her shoulder.

She stopped and turned around. In front of her stood a familiar blonde woman, a little older than herself. She was smiling at her.

"Carole, How are you? I heard you'd got married!"

Carole smiled weakly. "I...Hel..." She swayed dangerously.

The other woman caught her and lead her into the Lyons Tea Rooms and sat her down. People fussed round her, offering her a drink of water and somewhere to sit whilst she covered. Once she'd been given something to eat and some hot sweet tea, her colour began to return and she began to feel better.

"How do you feel now Carole?"

Carole looked at the woman again.   "Cynthia?" she said, surprised,  "Cynthia? From the Cavern?"

The woman smiled. "Yes! How are you? How's married life?"

Carole shrugged.  "It's OK."

Cynthia looked around for a moment then lowered her voice. "John... you remember John, from the band?"

Carole nodded.

"He said you and Bobby got married ... in a rush. You know?"

Again she nodded. "Yes."

Cynthia beamed at her. "Me and John," she whispered again, "We got a rush too! We've got a little boy now. He's called Julian. He's four months old!"

Carole tried congratulated her but tears rolled down her face instead.

"Carole, are you alright?" Cynthia, kind as always, was concerned.

"I... I lost my" she told her, still sobbing, "Two weeks ago! I've only just been discharged from the hospital!"

"Oh Carole!" Cynthia hugged the sobbing woman. She turned to one of the waitresses. "Could you call me a taxi please,. My friend is ill!"

Within minutes the pair were in a taxi. 

"Where do you live Carole?" Cynthia asked.

Carole looked at her in panic. "No, I can't get a taxi! I've got no money!" She began to climb out.

Cynthia stopped her. "I have enough money." she held her hand, "Please Carole, tell the driver where you live."

Sensing she had no other choice, she looked at the taxi driving, who was staring at her, waiting. 

"Forthlin Road." she told him, "Number eighteen please."

The driver nodded his thanks and started the engine.

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