Part 4 - Famous Friends.

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Carole had intended to spend the rest of the night huddled on the tatty sofa on high alert! She was terrified Bobby might return once more! However, she must have fallen asleep at some point, as she awoke with a start when she heard voices! This time though, the voices were coming from the back of the house. And from outside.

She tiptoed quickly into the kitchen and cautiously peered through a raised corner of the net curtain. She sighed with relief when she saw Jim from next door. He was in his garden with one of his sons and a red haired girl. They turned towards her so she quickly hid away. But it was too late...they'd spotted her!! Jim waved so she waved back.

It didn't take long for Jim to cross their shared ginnel and knock on her back door. She opened it slowly and smiled politely.

"Hello Carole love," said Jim quietly, always the gentleman, "I didn't realise you were home. How are you?"

"I'm...I'm fine thanks Jim." she said quietly, "And thank you for all your help...before."

"No problem.."

"Everything OK dad?" A voice called Jim.

"You know Paul, don't you? From the Cavern?" said Jim, smiling.

Carole nodded.

"He's home on a visit," said Jim, looking happy, "Come and say hello. Have a cup of tea with us all. Please?"

Carole smiled. "Give me a minute to brush my hair then I will."

It wasn't long before Carole followed Jim into his kitchen. His sons were sat at the small table and a woman she'd never seen before was making a pot of tea.

"Paul, Mike...look who I've found!" Jim announced.

Mike looked up and gave her a huge grin. "Hiya Carole. You OK?"

She nodded. "Yeah...thanks Mike. You?"

Mike nodded.

"Hi Paul!"

Paul stood up and gave her a friendly hug. "Hi Carole! Fancy you being dads neighbour! I was really surprised when our kid told me you'd moved next door."

She smiled. "I know. Coincidence I suppose." She looked at him. He was dressed in a suit with a shirt and tie. He looked very smart. "How are John and the others? Well done on your success too!"

"They're great thanks Carole." He gestured for her to sit down. The red haired woman placed the teapot on the table. "This is Jane," he told her, "She's my girl friend. Jane love, this is Carole. She used to date Mike before seeing sense. OW!" The comment earned him a thump from his brother. "And then we got to know her more through the Cavern."

"Nice to meet you," said Jane, smiling at her. It was a warm friendly smile and Carole found she liked her immediately, "I bet you could tell me all kinds of things about Paul and Mike then if you've known them so long?" 

Carole laughed. "Definitely! Especially since Paul and me were in the same class at primary school!""

The group talked for sometime. Later Liverpool bacon butties were made and Carole found herself eating hungrily, enjoying being in the warmth and company of everyone. 

"I met Cynthia the other day!" she said suddenly remembering Cynthia, "In town. She told me she was now married to John. That they have a little boy!"

"Did she?" Paul looked surprised.

"She's telling the truth isn't she?"

"Oh yeah," said Paul, "But Brian, our manager, he wants John and Cyn to be kept secret. Because of the fans and stuff. I was just surprised she'd told you. They've got a cute little boy. He's called Julian."

"She said." Carole smiled.

"Dad said you and Bobby were married now. Is that right?"

Carole nodded. 

"Any kids yet?" Paul grinned, "I love kids. I'd love a whole house full one day!!"

She looked at the floor and shook her head. Not sure what to say. She stood up suddenly. 

"Thanks for the tea and the bacon butty," she said softly, "But I need to be getting back. The house won't clean it's self. Nice to see you Paul and to meet you Jane." She fled!

A few hours later Carole was startled by a knock on her back door. She tiptoed through and, once more, peered through the net curtain.

"Hi Carole!" Paul grinned at her through the glass.

She opened the door. "Hello!"

Paul looked around anxiously. "Could I come in Carole love? I've come round the back to avoid being recognised but I still feel a bit exposed!"

Carole laughed and stood to one side. "Come on in."

He came into the kitchen and looked around. "Erm..." He shuffled a little uncomfortably.

She smiled at him. "You OK Paul?"

"Yeah," He looked at her then took her hand in his, "I've come round to apologise...." he began.

"Apologise?" Carole looked surprised, "What for Paul?"

"When you were round at Dad's before..." he began, "we were talking?"

She nodded.

"Well, I asked you about babies...Dad went mad at me after you left. I'm sorry love...I didn't know that you'd lost one recently." Paul looked really concerned for her.

She looked at him then turned away, fighting back tears. 

"Aww Carole, don't!" he pleaded, "I didn't mean to make things worse!" He wrapped his arm around her and lead her to the small kitchen table. "I'll make you a drink."

"You can't!!"

He turned to her. "Sorry."

"NO ...." she stopped and swallowed, "Paul, I don't mean to snap at you it's just that you can't brew!"


"I've not got any stuff in." She hung her head. "I've got no money."

"Where's Bobby?" He asked her quietly. "Is he due home soon?"

She looked away from him.


"I don't know." she whispered.

"What do you mean?...Carole?"

"I think he's left me" she whispered, "We had to get married but now the baby has gone, so has he." She shrugged. 

"So you've no food? Coal?"

She shook her head. "I gave up my job when we got married...because of the baby I had to..."

"Can't your parents help?"

Again she shook her head. "They were real mad when I told them I was expecting! I made my bed as far as they're concerned."

He stared at her, debating what to do next.

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