Part 29 - Ritchie.

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Six months later.

Carole was buzzing with excitement. She was stood looking at herself in a mirror, unable to believe the reflection was her.

"What do you think Deb?" She looked anxiously at her friend.

Deb burst into a huge beaming smile. "It's stunning Carole! Simply stunning! Is that the one?"

"I'd love it to be."Carole whispered softly, She looked back at her reflection then nodded wistfully. "Do you think you can make something like this though? Isn't it too complicated?"

Deb laughed and walked over to her. "Carole Blackburn, you're about to marry my brother in a few months time! I can make you any wedding dress you want!" She unzipped the dress and helped Carole step out of it then hugged her. "You and Ben are so great together. I'll start on your dress as soon as you've chosen the fabric and a pattern as near to this dress as we can find!"

A few hours later, after buying fabric and a sewing pattern, the girls sat drinking tea and eating toast in a nearby cafe. They talked about the wedding arrangements until suddenly Carole glanced at her watch.

"I need to go!" she said hurriedly, "I promised Ben I'd help him in the bar! Sorry, I need to dash!" She gave her sister in law to be a big hug then left.

She saw Ben talking to a regular customer, his back to the bar entrance. She grinned as she tiptoed up to him, intent on surprising him. She wrapped her arms around his waist. 


He turned and beamed at her. "Hello beautiful!" he told her, kissing her on the lips. "You look happy!"

"I am... Deb and I went wedding dressing hunting today."

"And I'm guessing by your face that my bride has found the dress you want?" He smiled and kissed her once more.

She nodded. "It's amazing but you'll have to wait until October to see it!" She gave him another hug and kiss. "Right, where do you want me start tonight my love?"

As requested, she headed out to the garden area people used to drink outside when the weather was nice. She collected glasses, stopping now and then to talk to people.  She returned to the main bar with the dirty glasses then helped Ben serve customers. Carole wasn't aware that she was bring watched. The bar stayed busy until just after 10pm.

"Carole love," Ben called her over, "Go home. It's quiet now and will be until closing."

"No, I'll wait for you."

Ben kissed her softly. "You look done in girl! Go home and warm the bed. I won't be much longer anyway. I'm not locking up tonight."

Carole was tempted. It had been a very long day. "If you're sure?..."

"I'm sure!" Ben kissed her again. "Have a shower, get in bed and I'll be home soon."

She nodded. "You promise you won't be too long?"

"I promise!" 

They kissed once more before Carole collected her bag and set off. Although now quite late, being July, it was still quite light. The warm weather made the streets busy so it was a pleasant walk back to her flat....the flat she now shared with Ben. Stood on the doorstep, she rummaged in her bag for her key.


She didn't hear the person call her name


She jumped, dropping her key in surprise. She turned, suddenly afraid. 

"Do I know you?" she called, peering into the twilight.

"I should hope so." The person stepped closer.

"RITCHIE!" She looked at him, shocked, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He smiled at her. "I wanted to see you."


He walked up the steps to her. "Please Carole, can I come in? I just wanted to see you."

"No, it's late! I've been working! I'm tired and Ben will be in bed already."

"No he won't," he told her quietly, "I know you've just left him at the bar."

"You followed me?" She was suddenly angry.

"Just open the door and let me talk to you then I'll leave you in peace."

"NO! Go away!"

He reached out to her, catching her arm.

"Let me go or I'll scream!"

She heard footsteps approaching on the pavement. "HELP ME!" she called, panicking, "PLEASE HELP!"

"Carole!" It was Ben's voice. He came running.

"Ben...thank god!"

Ritchie stood to one side. "Hello there Ben."

Ben looked from Ritchie to Carole then went to her. "Hey, " he said soothingly, wrapping his arm around her, "You OK?"

She shook her head. 

Ben looked at Ritchie. "Do you want something?" he asked angrily, "Only I'd rather you didn't frighten my fiancee, if you don't mind!"

Ritchie looked from Ben to Carole. "Fiancee? Congratulations Carole. When's the big day?"

Carole sighed. "Look Ritchie, what do you want?"

"Just a chance to talk. I wanted to tell you something."

"Why?" She gave him a hard expression, "Look, we've got nothing to talk about. I'm not interested in any aspect of you or your life. Ben and I, that's all that matters. Go away."

She turned her attention back to Ben. She took is hand. "Let's go in Ben. To OUR HOME!"  Ben followed her into the flat. Carole threw one last sour look at Ritchie an closed the door in his face.

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