Part 23 - Moving on.

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A few weeks later.

One evening, after spending time with friends she had made through work, Carole was about to relax when the phone rang.


"Hello Carole. It's Jane Asher." 

"Oh," Carole was surprised, "Hello Jane. How are you?"

"Erm good thanks," She paused, "Carole, I know you didn't want Cyn or I to contact you but I felt you should be told before you see it on TV."

"See what Jane?"

"It's Ringo," Jane sighed deeply, "The lads  are at a charity do tomorrow night. We're all going."


"Ringo is going to be seen for the first time with his new girlfriend. There's bound to be a lot of press interest. You might get some hassle too."

Carole remained silent, absorbing the news..

"Are you still there?" Jane's voice was urgent, worried.

"Yes...I'm here." Carole said softly, "I hope you all have a nice evening."

"But Carole..."

"Thanks for calling Jane. Good bye." 

Carole put the phone down and sat down suddenly. What Ritchie had told her that night at Jane's party was true then, he had met someone else. She wondered what she might look like then stopped herself.  Despite everything, she still loved Ritchie. The cruel breakup of their relationship wasn't anyone's fault. She'd been honest with him when she'd told him what the doctor had said. She'd offered Ritchie a 'get out' clause and he'd taken it. She wanted him to be happy and hoped he would find happiness with someone else. All the same, she was grateful that Jane had warned her. Ritchie appearing with a new girlfriend would  cause gossip and speculation and possible press interest in Carole once more.

The following evening Carole settled in front of the evening news, knowing The Beatles arrival at the event would be on. As expected there they were, the top headlines. She watched as firstly John and Cyn got out of the car, waved to fans and disappeared into the building. They were followed by George and Patti, Paul and Jane, then Ringo. He looked as handsome  as ever in his dinner suit. Carole couldn't help smile when she saw him. She watched as he leaned into the car and offered his hand to his guest. She remembered him doing the same for her whenever they travelled together. A petite dark haired young woman climbed out. She was dressed in a fashionable evening dress that fell just above the knee. She was dark haired and very pretty. Carole saw her nervousness at the crowds. She stood close to Ritchie whilst photographs were taken then they too disappeared inside.

Carole turned the television off and thought about what she had seen. As much as she wanted Ritchie to be happy, seeing him with someone else had hurt!

Six Months Later.

Carole was slowly moving on with her life. After building up a new social circle she had a group of friends she spent time with. She was happy again but still single, having fastidiously avoided any relationship, despite being asked out several times. 

She arrived home from work one evening with three of her friends. They were going to have a girlie night in. Carole had agreed to cook for them all then they were going to have a bottle of wine and chat. She was looking forward to it very much. The girls watched TV whilst Carole cooked. Every now and then she would come to the kitchen door and talk to her friends before checking on the food. Finally it was ready and they ate sat at the table in the corner of Carole's living room.

"I meant to ask you," said Penny suddenly, "I noticed that photo on the wall in your hallway. When did you get to meet The Beatles, you lucky thing?"

"You've met The Beatles?" Val, her other friend and Beatles nutter was instantly jealous, "How?"

Carole looked surprised then remembered the photograph her friend was referring to. it was of the boys plus girlfriends at The Hard Days Night Premier. She was with Paul in the picture as it was before Ritchie. Her thoughts drifted.

"Well?" Her friend urged.

Carole quickly explained how she had been at primary school with Paul and then how he'd helped her to find a job when she first moved to London. She played it very calm and said no more, fobbing of further questions. The photo forgotten, the threesome moved from the table to the living room and the fun continued. It was late when the phone rang. Excusing herself, Carole answered it.

"Hi Carole, it's Cynthia."

Carole felt her heart sink. She knew this had to be something to do with Ritchie.


"I wanted to tell you that Ringo is getting married tomorrow morning."


"I thought you might want to know before the press."

"Thank you."

"Carole, there's something else you need to know too."

"Go on." Carole already knew what Cynthia was going to say.

"Maureen, Ringo's girlfriend, she's pregnant Carole. That's why they're getting married."

Carole swallowed, that news, more than anything, cut her deeply. "Thanks for letting me know Cynthia." 

She hung up.

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